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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 16 declined, 4 accepted (20 total, 20.00% accepted)

Linux Business

Submission + - Linux in 2006: June is Busting Out All Over

Tontoman writes: Carla Schroder wraps up 2006, in Enterprise Networking Planet, "I apologize for sounding like a typical lame pundit, but 2006 was the Year of Linux. I never said that before — I was waiting until it became true."
"The Novell-Microsoft deal, as distasteful as it is to a lot of observers, is the crowning seal of Linux approval. The biggest purveyor of anti-Linux and anti-FOSS propaganda, misinformation and FUD made a deal with a Linux vendor. Whatever the merits of the deal itself, this is a gigantic validation of Linux in the enterprise."

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