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Comment Re:Odd definition of "disruptive" (Score 1) 253

In this case, disruptive means that the people who need to prop up the peso/dollar exchange rate to pay back loans denominated in dollars will get screwed. Because the supply of pesos flowing through the system available for the banks to skim will dry up. And US investment banks who took risks wil have to renegotiate loans. Or accept default.

And if there's one thing we know about wealthy investors: They never take a loss on a gamble. Someone else must be found to make them whole.

Comment Re:Hostile environments (Score 1) 634

I am, gasp, a female software engineer. I work at a defense contractor,

Good. And this rules out the notion of 'socially meaningful' work as a prerequisite. There are plenty of women willing to drop bombs on people (just being facetious here ;-)).

The hostile environment is sometimes present in subtle ways,

The hostile environment has been growing as a reaction to increasing numbers of women in the workplace. As far as I can tell, this 'environment' is manufactured outrage produced by a few social and religious conservatives who are wailing about their loss of control of the 'culture' in this nation.

My solution: Identify the troublemakers and escort them to the door. One thing that threatens almost any companies survival is upper management's loss of control of the company culture. And having employees that actively work against it (or even side track a portion of the organization's resources pursuing their own agendas) is counter productive.

Comment Re:Sevice vs. Ownership (Score 1) 140

Like you won't be asked to provide valid ID to rent/borrow a car. And that a condition of running such a service won't be to hand over records to the local authorities. And if there is an issue of abuse (anything from vandalism to car services being held liable for the presence/absence of occupants) internal cameras will become a condition of rental.

Comment Re:Burden of proof (Score 0) 140

My precious little one can't be seen in a school bus! Think of the embarrassement and damage to the child's self esteem if it is not dropped at school in the obligatory Range Rover. They even dark tint school bus windows now so passers-by can't recognize and/or taunt the poor kids degraded by having to ride in the big yellow bus.

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