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Comment Re:Perhaps ... (Score 2) 99

OK, so then who supervises the term of the public domain copyright? Who stops the content theives from downloading your stuff, claiming the rights to it, submitting bogus take-down notices and claiming 'public' IP as their own?

Prommisory estoppel (if I understand it correctly) only obtains an agreement from the creator not to pursue claims. It does nothing to prevent some third party from doing so, unless the creator or an assignee actively defends the public status of the rights.

Comment Perhaps ... (Score 4, Interesting) 99

... its a matter of pro-actively placing the copyright into the hands of a government entity chartered to hold it for the benefit of the public. Such an entity would have to be carefully created, with clear definitions of 'public benefit' and by-laws written to prevent takeover by special interests. The down side would be the creation of another bureaucracy that would need a funding source to operate. And would eventually leverage itself into a rent-seeking entity to serve its directors and other minions.

Comment Re:I have an even better idea (Score 3, Insightful) 304


No mod points left, but I agree. We ae trying everything to get people out of private cars and onto public transportation with little effect. Just pull the licences from the worst drivers and hand them a transit pass. Reduce traffic volume and save money by postponing expansion projects. And do so by getting the crappiest drivers off the road.

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