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Comment Bored in orbit ??? (Score 2, Insightful) 464

I'll likely remain Earthbound for my entire life yet I usually find plenty to do before I'm tempted by mass media. Spare time or not, I can't imagine being so bored during a relatively short Shuttle mission that I'd want to fire up a movie. Instead, why not grab a camera and inspire other people who won't ever get the chance to orbit our planet.
Desktops (Apple)

Submission + - Why Is Apple Not Taking Home Theatre Serously? (

Lexor writes: "The Mac Mini is a great HTPC, but no matter what you do to Front Row's Quicktime-based movie player, you can't have it pass AC3 audio to your digital receiver — and what home theatre doesn't crave AC3 audio?"

Submission + - Disasters Expose Man's Deadly Short-Term Planning (

Alex Golitsis writes: "A reflection on the latest Japanese incident on my techblog: "It seems extremely easy to look to nuclear power as a source of energy which does not immediately contribute to problems like carbon emissions or air pollution. In reality, generating energy by nuclear fission exposes mankind's gross negligence.""

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