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Comment Re:Do Canadian credit cards for sub $10? (Score 1) 248

Credit card processing has fees attached to it. Many smaller shops tend to have a large flat transaction fee and some percent. if you charge $.50 on your credit card it might cost $.11 in fees meaning the merchant only gets $.39 for the $.50 worth of goods from a $.10 transaction fee + 3%. There are some processors out there that only charge a percent as far as I can tell like square.

Comment Re:NO. (Score 2) 646

Every time I have to deal with timezones I wish everyone was UTC I know for a lot of people including my self the next day would change part way through the day but it's so annoying to deal with as many time zones as we have today. While we are at it can we fix it so no month has less than 30 days or more then 31?

Comment Re:What tuner are you using? (Score 1) 328

The issue is channels that are encrypted and require a cable card aka almost all but broadcast channels and that's changing(thanks fcc for not looking out for us). I have RCN and the only channels that they flag that I've run into so far are the premium movie channels. OP I think your options are switch to Comcast(I think they flag a tad more then they should be are not too bad) or give up on rolling your own dvr.

Preparing To Migrate Off of SHA-1 In OpenPGP 152

jamie found a note on, the first in a promised series on migrating off of SHA-1 in OpenPGP. "Last week at eurocrypt, a small group of researchers announced a fairly serious attack against the SHA-1 digest algorithm, which is used in many cryptosystems, including OpenPGP. The general consensus is that we should be 'moving in an orderly fashion toward the theater exits,' deprecating SHA-1 where possible with an eye toward abandoning it soon (one point of reference: US govt. federal agencies have been directed to cease all reliance on SHA-1 by the end of 2010, and this directive was issued before the latest results). ... So what can you do to help facilitate the move away from SHA-1? I'll outline three steps that current gpg users can do today, and then I'll walk through how to do each one..."

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