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Comment Re:Can't trust the Democratic leadership ... (Score 1) 425

See what you just did? You went from comparing apples to oranges to comparing apples to apples. Tax percentage per year vs GDP (a yearly measurement) is better than the meaningless mufti-century debt to yearly GDP. Add up the GDP in the history of America and compare that to the debt and you would be comparing apples to apples again. Or, compare the debt incurred this year to GDP and again be in balance. Either way, I disagree with your conclusion since the government "staying out" of the economy lead to the great depression being far deeper than it needed to be under Herbert Hoover.

Hoover undertook various measures designed to stimulate the economy, and a few of the programs he introduced became key components of later relief efforts. However, Hoover's response to the crisis was constrained by his conservative political philosophy. He believed in a limited role for government and worried that excessive federal intervention posed a threat to capitalism and individualism. He felt that assistance should be handled on a local, voluntary basis. Accordingly, Hoover vetoed several bills that would have provided direct relief to struggling Americans. "Prosperity cannot be restored by raids upon the public Treasury," he explained in his 1930 State of the Union address.

Comment Re:Can't trust the Democratic leadership ... (Score 1) 425

If you study the debt numbers vs GDP...

That is a meaningless comparison. Here is why:

To quote his baseball analogy:

What would you say if I told you the total number of hits the Chicago Cubs made in 2008 is 47% of the total number of runs the Cubs have scored in all of their 100+ year history? You might well say, "Huh? What does one thing have to do with the other? One is hits; the other is runs. One is 100+ years; the other is one year. It's classic apples vs oranges." And you would be right.

Federal "debt" is the net amount of outstanding T-securities created in the history of America. The GDP is the total dollar value of goods and services creating this year. The two are unrelated. The federal government does not use GDP to service its debt. In fact, federal debt service stimulates the economy, so more debt is stimulative.

Comment Re:is there any rationale for this requirement? (Score 1) 305

Am very curious why they would have this requirement.

They claim it is to curtail "cyber-bullying" (AKA- Trolling). There is no reason they can't show aliases instead of real names while still requiring real names to sign up. Even Google is seeing that this option is better than the real name policy they used to have.

Comment Re:.. and this is new ? (Score 5, Insightful) 83

Curiosity leads to motivation, stuff you do in an unmotivated or bored state never come out well and (thankfully) will not be remembered.

Actually, I believe it isn't curiosity that was tested. I believe it was interest. Interest != curiosity. Curiosity would involve something the subject didn't know. Interest is something totally different since it relies on a topic the subject already has some familiarity with.

Comment Re:Beyond the law? (Score 1) 354

So far only the Eleventh Circuit has heard anything relating to the production of passwords and they went with the doctrine of the mental cognition from producing decrypted data more demanding because it is "more akin to requiring the production of a combination". The Supreme Court has found that being compelled to produce the key to a safe was not a violation of the 5th but producing a combination is. I will refer you to this paper which shows why applying the key-combination algorithm shouldn't apply to encrypted drives.

I agree with the author's final assessment:

Alternatively, courts could explicitly incorporate interest balancing into the calculus. So the decrypted data could be compelled only if there is a significant state need for compulsion. Drawing this line in practice would not be difficult. Imagine the government subpoenas the accused for the production of decrypted data and the accused moves to quash on Fifth Amendment grounds. Under this approach, the motion would be denied if the government shows it could not realistically obtain the data through investigatory effort. This procedure would not be uncommon, as similar iterations exist elsewhere in criminal procedure. Obtaining a search warrant, for example, requires the government first show the existence of probable cause, and a later determination that cause was deficient may result in excluding any evidence obtained under the warrant.

Comment Re:Beyond the law? (Score 3, Insightful) 354

Ummm... You need to re-read the Constitution if you think the court ruling on a warrant is "disingenuous and illogical". The courts are simply following the Constitution you deride them for not following. BTW, it is the 4th that concerns this more than the 5th although they do go hand-in-hand most of the time.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

You are referring to the part "nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;" It is the court that dispenses due process of law. So encryption would most certainly block that due process.

Lastly, there are remedies to compel a suspect to comply with court orders to include imprisonment for contempt of court. Many have gone to jail for not complying with a legally issued court order to divulge their encryption password. So I don't see what this FBI Chief's issue is. He is using the age old "ticking time bomb" argument that was used to justify torturing detainees in Guantanamo. I don't buy it.

Comment Re:Researcher Integrity (Score 1) 54

In short, it is not evil for a donor to say funds can't be used for a study where there doing so would produce a conflict of interest.

Which completely invalidates the whole concept of peer review. Go ahead... Try and find funding for privacy research amongst the crowd without any interest in the data. Good luck with that. Open peer review of any study is necessary to weed out bias. After all, you would pay for data you have no interest in right?

Comment Re:Another terrible article courtesy of samzenpus (Score 1) 385

Double posting from the same article with this nugget:

Why the difference? The Florida landfill did not have a clay cap during the study, which would have sealed it from the elements. Caps are federally mandated to reduce pollution from water flowing into landfills. In the process, however, they reduce moisture content in the waste, the "master variable" in helping garbage decompose.

Does anyone know if that capping is still a federal mandate? If so, this is a case where regulation against one hazard is creating another.

Comment Re:Another terrible article courtesy of samzenpus (Score 1) 385

The residents are still free to waste all the food they want as long as they put it in the correct bin.

Although the issue here is about what bin you put waste food into, let me point you to a 1998 article on the topic of waste landfills and the types vs. the time of decomposition:

The point I am trying to make is that this law is targeting the wrong thing.

The study found that food decomposes relatively quickly. After six years in the Madison site, pasta, lima beans, peanuts and sunflower seeds all lost at least half of their dry weight, and pasta almost completely vanished. In Florida, the food samples were all more than 75 percent decomposed after only two years.

Newspaper was the only material that showed little change: Only 17.4 percent decomposed in Florida after two years, and 8.5 percent in Madison after six years.

Given a choice, putting the fine on paper products especially newspaper makes more sense from the point of view of reducing landfill real estate. Of course, someone putting food in the paper bin would upset the recycling process a miniscule amount not one that is too difficult to solve at the dump site. I suspect this is more about generating more revenue selling the compost since that pile would be reduced from wrong bin sorting. That's just my speculation though not supported by any facts.

Comment Re:Another terrible article courtesy of samzenpus (Score 1) 385

Personally, I cannot wait to move into a completely rural area where I can either compost it or burn it. Saves $40/mo for as little as they have to do at my bit of the street.

Even in rural areas there are restrictions on what you can burn and when you can burn it. I live in one of the most rural areas in the country here in West Virginia and can tell you that you can be fined if you burn the wrong things at the wrong times.

Things like plastic, painted materials or other hazardous materials such as furniture foam and rubber are banned. That still doesn't stop people from doing it but the fines can get very steep especially for repeat offenders.

Comment Re:Emma Watson is full of it (Score 1) 590

Of course it's not going to flip around because there is pressure among women to focus on making a family instead of pursuing a demanding career.

It is pressure but not as much sociological as it is biological. If women don't start a family before menopause, then that family will never start for that woman. So women literally do have a biological clock they are listening to unlike men. But having a family shouldn't stop a woman from having a good career with equal pay. Many if not most middle class families do have both parents working if only to keep on top of the bills especially since wages have stagnated or in some fields fallen. That isn't a choice. That is a necessity.

Comment Re:Touchscreens don't belong on real computers. (Score 2) 545

The computer I had before the M7 was HP TX-2. It too had a touchscreen but had a matte finish to it. It died due to other design flaws (poor airflow caused overheating) but the touchscreen was the thing that drew me to it.

In the case of the M7 its other features outweigh the glossy touchscreen. I just don't use the touch features on it. Besides, as I said, it isn't a true tablet but a big laptop. So a touchscreen with multigesture capabilities seems pretty useless on it.

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