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Comment Re:Sony needs to... (Score 1) 302

They still need to make money. If you sell at a loss you don't make it up in volume, you just create a larger loss.

A number of posters will comment that they will make this up in Game sales. Understand that it is more than just that. Sony won the format war because of the PS3. Now BD makers, and content producers pay money to Sony to release both the BD players and BR content. That's a pretty big financial win for Sony. In addition, they earn revenue from the Sony online store. If they would uncripple the HV, I would purchase a second as a PC at the drop of a hat.

Sony, Please sell a new PS3 model. Get rid of the HV, change the color to white, call it the PS3 PC edition, and charge $749 for it. The thinkgeek crowd would eat it up.


Comment Re:Slow news day? (Score 1) 255

open sourcing it would just be dumb when there's already 800 engineers working on it inside IBM. The number of developers that would contribute to it would drop dramatically.

Yes, apparently open sourcing an application now 'requires' that you fire/reassign all of your developers! We've all been misinterpreting section 5 of the GPL for years now!


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