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Comment Re:Fixing a social problem with technical means? (Score 2) 108

Historically, technical means are a valid way to help fix social problems. Would we have ended slavery as quickly without the cotton gin?

Isn't that backwards?

quoting from first link from "cotton gin effect on slavery"

The cotton gin freed slaves from the arthritic labor of separating seeds from the lint by hand. At the same time, the dramatically lowered cost of producing cotton fiber, the corresponding increase in the amount of cotton fabric demanded by textile mills, and the increasing prevalence of large-scale plantation agriculture resulted in a dramatic increase in the demand for more slaves to work those plantations. Overall, the slave population in the South grew from 700,000 before Whitney’s patent to more than three million in 1850—striking evidence of the changing Southern economy and its growing dependence on the slave system to keep the economy running.

Comment Re:DRTFA (Score 3, Interesting) 166

Alan Butler, employee number 530, who at age 18 was once Sun’s youngest employee, mused somewhat wistfully: “We should have charged $1 a seat for every Java license” and that would have generated billions in cash annually, perhaps saving the company.

Fool. You'd have made about $300. With all of Java's other early problems, a price tag would have ended it before it could gain any momentum.

Pretty much the same thought I had -- I was wondering what technology would occupy java's current space if they had done that.

Comment Re:A language that lets you do whatever (Score 0) 126

The other side, that no one has mentioned, is that perl conforms to the OO paradigm more closely than any other language

Except for nearly all of the other ones? Especially other scripting languages?

Pick a bunch of languages at random. Stick them on a dartboard. Throw something gigantic at the dartboard. Chances are every language you hit conforms to the OO paradigm more closely than perl.

I can write object-oriented assembly. That doesn't make it a particularly OOPy language. Perl objects are hacked on, somewhat painfully at that.

Comment Re:Let me be blunt. (Score 1) 405

Anybody who uses Kindles to read DRM'd books has no appreciation for knowledge or art

So... is it DRM or the Kindle itself that removes the ability to appreciate knowledge or art? FWIW, I don't own a kindle, but I think buying one and using it would not change my level of appreciation.

and any author who relies on this customer base is making a grave mistake.

All authors should be elitists who only let the right kind of people read their books?

Comment Re:IDE autocommit? (Score 2) 521

I think there might be an Eclipse option. We had a new guy once who had some IDE auto-committing. He had a ridiculous number of completely uninformative commits early on. Very quickly the top item on his task list became "Figure out how to disable auto-commit"

Comment Re:Buzzzzz word compliant. (Score 1) 232

So he starts off with stuff about how he's feeling old and the surest sign of it is bitching about "kids these days".

You need to have read more of Joel's writing. That's just his irreverent style.

I didn't have a problem with that part. I felt that his age DOES show, but that's not why.

His premise is that, in order to be a good programmer, you need the right kind of metal aptitude which is a you-either-have-it-or-you-don't thing and not a skill that can be learned. While there may be other ways to test for that aptitude, his claim is that one sure-fire way to test for it is the ability to understand pointers.

I get his premise. I just think he's wrong.

I worked with a guy who understood pointers. He was a brilliant guy. He was also a terrible programmer. His code was universally unintelligble -- and before anyone claims the fault was on my end, it's not. I was the guy in the office who understood pointers better than he did. He would write shell scripts and awk, and they were just as unintelligble. They weren't a case of being so clever that lesser minds struggled with them. They were just complicated in needless ways. Other guys on staff could modify his code and make it both more efficient and more readable in one shot.

When interviewing potential hires, I'm more concerned with how they break down a problem than anything else. I've hired guys to do C, Java, perl, and ruby among others. I'm not perfect, but better than 90% of the time I give a guy the green light he turns out to be solid.

Comment Re:Buzzzzz word compliant. (Score 1) 232

Started reading, because I'm usually happy to read a well written rant about why java sucks. I'm not exactly a fan myself.

So he starts off with stuff about how he's feeling old and the surest sign of it is bitching about "kids these days". He's wrong. That's not the surest sign. This was:

Instead what I'd like to claim is that Java is not, generally, a hard enough programming language that it can be used to discriminate between great programmers and mediocre programmers.

Got to that point and decided that it's an obviously unsupportable premise. Read a little bit more, and my takeaway is that Joel doesn't know how to spot a good programmer unless they're working in C.

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