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Comment Re:Great... (Score 3, Informative) 395

What are you saying? That the stock market is random or that you can snapshot it and use it as a random seed? The first is wrong and the second as an actual implementation seems highly contrived and improbable. What kind of people are we talking about that would do this?

An actual place where this is used is seeding PRNGs used to select people for jury pools. They want the seed to be something verifiable by third parties after the fact, but not anything that could have been predicted in advance or manipulated to determine who will be in the pool.

Comment Re:Apple bashing (Score 2) 452

As much as I enjoy a good old apple bashing, anyone who trust their gps without checking the plausibility of the route is an utter fool.

The map shows the city in the wrong location. Should they have consulted two maps to verify the coordinates of their destination, or is there other in-context information that should have made it obvious the route was wrong?

Comment Re:Please, stop all anti-H1B nonsense! (Score 1) 457

Part of working is investing your children's future, not some Indian slum dog's.

This is unrelated to adults entering the country to perform skilled labor. The cost of developing their human capital has already been paid: when someone enters this country as an adult, we acquire a skilled laborer without having to pay the normal cost of educating him from childhood and sheltering him before he can work. We receive the benefit without the cost.

What does this mean, "real" Americans should all be emigrating out of North America?

Do you think that there is a country that offers both greater liberty and greater opportunity to those willing to work hard?

Comment Re:Please, stop all anti-H1B nonsense! (Score 1) 457

I cannot agree with this more. Undergoing the hardship and risk of moving to a foreign country for the chance of a better life is the foundation of the American character.

Those who oppose immigration for fear of their own ability to compete have lost this spirit. The desire to succeed by holding back others rather than through one's own merit is not only cowardly and low, but it also impoverishes society. Public policy should not harm the population at large in order to protect a lazy few.

Comment Re:The country isn't run by the parliament (Score 1) 46

It's run by the Republican Guard. They let the mullahs and ayatollah go on thinking they run things, also leave civilian stuff to them, too, but the hard decisions on nuclear research, cracking skulls, rigging elections, that's done by the Republican Guard. If the religious establishment think they really run things, try reigning in the Republican Guard and see what happens.

(Quibbling) You're thinking of the Revolutionary Guard. The Republic Guard is from the other Ira[nq].

I'm not sure you're correct, though. Iran has a conventional army several times larger than the Revolutionary Guard with a separate command structure. There are also the Basij militias that -- although nominally part of the Revolutionary Guard -- take their orders directly from the local clerics.

Comment Re:Sequel to Avatar? (Score 1) 117

Na'vi don't seem to be an "advanced civilization" though they had their tricks and secrets indeed.

It seemed to me that the Na'vi were obviously the descendants of an extremely advanced civilization, who (living on a just-dangerous-enough-to-be-interesting garden world curated by a planet-spanning AI) had eventually reverted to a state of nature.

Comment No, you don't (Score 1) 842

My country has free health care (well, you pay something, max $350 a year, but only if you can afford it and beyond that it's free)

No you most certainly don't, any more than any nation has free roads or free public education. What you have is tax-funded health care. You may not pay when you visit a clinic, but unless your health care system runs on slave labor you are all certainly paying.

Comment Re:Unfair taxes ! (Score 1) 911

By remaining, you are implicitly saying that you can live with this system, or that it is at least better than any other alternatives.

There are some missing steps between "you can live with things as they are" and "therefore you should not attempt to change anything."

A moment's reflection will show that this nonsensical argument would apply to anyone anywhere at any point in history.

I don't agree with how every cent of my taxes are spent, but that's what comes with representative democracy.

Living with decisions you don't agree with comes with any form of government where you aren't dictator for life. That isn't special about democracy, representative or otherwise. What is special about democracy is that it expands the range of responses available when you disagree with something.

Democracy works when people advocate for changes they want. When enough people agree, change happens: in that manner, we approximate the greatest good for the greatest number.

Comment Re:Quest for Glory... (Score 1) 350

How the heck are those legal? (I looked through the FAQs and don't see this covered -- e.g. no mention of Sierra/the existing owner of copyrights/trademarks saying these are OK, preferably with proof.)

They claim to have permission from the copyright holder.

King's Quest, Quest for Glory, and all related material are copyrighted by Sierra Entertainment, Inc. and are used with permission.

Comment Naturalistic Fallacy (Score 1) 1127

The deer, otherwise left alone, could go on to do his own thing, have babies of his own, get eaten by wolves, whatever. That's Nature.

Why is it worse to be eaten by a person than eaten by a wolf? Prey animals are literally devoured alive, their tendons cut so they cannot run and their entrails ripped out of their still-struggling bodies. As the relative of human hunters, I am sure you know that the ability to kill cleanly is considered a minimum competence. It's natural for prey animals to die exhausted and in terror. That doesn't mean it's good. Sometimes -- a lot of the time -- unnatural is better.

I do not hunt. But if I did, I would do it humanely, with a gun.

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It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
