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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 13 declined, 0 accepted (13 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Forbes reporter apologizes for predicting SCO win

KGBear writes: Daniel Lyons, who has been covering the SCO lawsuits for, feels the need to write his "mea culpa". From the article: "I reported what they said. Turns out I was getting played (...) I got it wrong. The nerds got it right (...) Someday soon the SCO lawsuits will go away, and I will never have to write another article about SCO ever again. I can't wait."

Submission + - Alternative to /.?

KGBear writes: I've been participating in /. for about 10 years. Lately and more and more frequently I've been having this feeling that /. is becoming/has become irrelevant. Apple/Microsoft is good/bad, the recurring boring metrication of America, up to today's predictable take on IT people, make me wonder if /.'s era isn't over. In that spirit, what suggestions do /.'ers have for getting a high-quality fix of relevant, current, news for nerds?
United States

Submission + - Geek Trip?

Yuri writes: In a couple of months I'll be taking a vacation: from Denver to SF by train, from SF to LA and then Las Vegas by rental car. Besides the obvious Star Trek Experience at the Vegas Hilton,what's a geek to do in (and between) these destinations?

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Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon. -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
