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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 54 declined, 3 accepted (57 total, 5.26% accepted)


Submission + - Development Discussion

jmccay writes: "Since the departure of C/C++ Users Journal, I have been left with a void for real meaty development discussions and articles. Dr. Dobbs is ok, but it doesn't seem to fill that hole. Where does everyone go for good development articles? Slashdot is more oriented towards news, and freshmeat and sourceforge are not really oriented for the discussion."

Submission + - Where to find OS alternatives

jmccay writes: Recently, I found myself looking for a video editor, and a video converter, that was open source (or atleast freeware) for Windows and Linux, and I came to the conclusion that there does not seem to be a complete way to find any such software — no matter what the type of software you are trying to find. We all know the popular stuff like OOo. You can search Sourceforge, but I doubt Sourceforge covers it all. I know of one project off the top of my head that no longer uses Sourceforge. Where does everyone else go to find open source software for both Windows and Linux? In this case, I ended up settling (for now) on Microsofts bundled editor that only deals one format which limits me to only Windows platforms.

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