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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 39 declined, 11 accepted (50 total, 22.00% accepted)


Submission + - Scientific Holidays in 2009

Phoe6 writes: "I and my friends were having a dinner table discussion as which days we would look forward to in the year 2009. Pi day (3/14 in MM/DD format and 22/7 in DD/MM format), then Mole day(6/23) struck in my mind. There is Towel's Day, worthy of note and then Newtonmas which we had just celebrated. What are other secular and scientific holidays that you would look for? Starting of the LHC again?"

Submission + - Guido and Bruce Eckel discuss Python 3000

Phoe6 writes: "Leading author and programmer, Bruce Eckel, posted some of his concerns on Python 3000 stating that python community is missing to address some of the important issues with this major, backward incompatible release. Problems he mentions are concurrency support on multi-core cpus, easy deployment support, a standardized user interface amongst others. He expresses his dissatisfaction at the post titled "Python 3K or Python 2.9?. Guido van Rossum, in a very pragmatic way addresses the concerns with his response to Bruce Eckel and calling out more for developers to contribute to Python to improve it further. Bruce Eckel concludes with his thoughts that he wants his favorite language to be better with his reply to Guido's reply."

Submission + - Second Life Client released under GPL2

Phoe6 writes: "Second Life has decided to release its client source code to the community. As posted in the SecondLife Blog, phoenixlinden says "Stepping up the development of the Second Life Grid to everyone interested, I am proud to announce the availability of the Second Life client source code for you to download, inspect, compile, modify, and use within the guidelines of the GNU GPL version 2.""

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