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Comment Re:Tell me I'm lyin' (Score 1) 480

If I had to pick an anime series I would have picked Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

That was a long series. I liked the first two-thirds of it or so, but in the end almost everyone dies to no real purpose. Kind of a downer.

Comment Re:Do the math, that cannot charge a car... (Score 1) 441

FYI, a kilowatt is a unit of power, i.e. a rate of energy transfer per time. 21 kilowatts means you can move around 21,000 joules of energy per second.

A 'full charge' depends on the amount of total energy the battery can store, i.e. units of simply joules. Joules are pretty small and energy for batteries is often expressed as kilowatt-hours; 1000 watts * 3600 seconds = 1 kilowatt-hour = 3,600,000 joules.

So, 86 kilowatt-hours is about 310 million joules. If you charged a 86 kilowatt-hour battery with a 21 kilowatt power supply, it would take 86 / 21 = 4 hours to charge.

I was going to point this out, but Mister AC beat me to it. You rarely run a Tesla down to empty in a day of local driving. Also, most places in the US get between 5 and 6 hours of sunlight per day, although it can be much less in winter if you're anywhere near Canada.

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