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Comment Re:Helping Castro (Score 1) 166

The USA has a long history of making friends with despicable regimes. As more despicable than Cuba, I'd put: Myanmar, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Rwanda, and Cambodia. Arguably tied with Cuba would be: Honduras, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Kyrgyzstan, Kenya, and Uganda.

Then, if you travel back in time, you have despicable regimes in Iran, Chile, and Argentina.

Trade is ultimately for more powerful in making positive changes in these societies.

My guess is that you come from the wingnut wing of the American political spectrum, and thus have a "four-legs-good, Cuba-bad" mentality.

Comment Re: WTF (Score 1) 297

It isnt because your bias makes you refuse to read sceptical scientific discussions that they dont exist.

Projection isn't a river in Egypt.

Stop reading media crap or rebuttals by propaganda sites and, just for your educational purposes, read some scientific sceptical sites and make up your own mind.

Or maybe read some original papers on the issue! Of course, if it doesn't agree with Anthony Watts, then you'll probably consider it propaganda. Bet you never read these.

Comment Re:WTF (Score 1, Troll) 297

I believe that Steve McIntyre believes what he says, and thinks he is doing the right thing. Now what is true is that, McIntyre, McKitrick, Lindzen, Spencer, Pat Michaels, all travel in the same circles, receiving money from industry insiders who perfected the tobacco strategy. No-one is going to hire these people now, so they are dependent on the largess of the interests that they serve. Too bad for them.

Comment Re:WTF (Score 3, Informative) 297

Oh, I agree that green groups are annoying in their tactics. I decry the uncivilized tone of all of it. Now, if you want to know who started it, then you have to read some history, and I assure you, there is a lifetime worth of references to read there. (Personally, I spot check about one in every 100 references -- and check more regularly if one fails the sniff test. I find this effective.)

Comment Re:This is a Canadian story, but (Score 1) 297

Well, it does strike me as true that those who are public in their opposition to climate science have ruined their careers, and are now 100% reliant on think-tank money and funding in order to pay their bills. That's the price for being a crank. Now *you* may not think it is crankery, but cranks never do. So how do you tell what is real?

Comment Re:This is a Canadian story, but (Score 1) 297

The hockey stick has been replicated a dozen times using different methods, and the original paper has been scrutinized several times, and found to be sound. But I'm sure you are "neutral" about the science when one Roy Spencer, Tim Ball, or heck, Lord Monckton throw sciency terms around like they are in an episode of Star Trek. Yep, it really is like that, Mr Neutral.

Comment Re:This is a Canadian story, but (Score 1) 297

Wow. I mean, truly you know more about the lawsuit than the judge who is settling the legal question. I'm not sure what legal system you believe in, but it evidently is one where people can sue when their theories are mocked!!! My guess is that you used to be a proud "skeptic" but that that little lovefest of "reason" is untenable, and so you've moved to "neutral".

And yes, I'm proudly neutral on all scientific questions, meaning that the scientific method, not my political opinions, is the fitting arbiter of truth in this area.

"We all mysterious, especially to ourselves" -- Miss Marple.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 297

Yeah, it is a total fiction that conservatives are about small government and fiscal responsibility. As far as I can tell, the Harper government is economically clueless, just like George W., his father, and Ronald voodoo-economics Reagan. It's pure branding, and conservatives have owned the war on framing the conversation. But it is also bullpucky. Liberals get their economics from university economic departments. Conservatives get their economics from their donors, and sell it with doublespeak.

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