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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 6 declined, 2 accepted (8 total, 25.00% accepted)


Submission + - Amazon explains why S3 went down (

Angostura writes: Amazon has provided a decent write-up of the problems that caused its S3 storage service to fail for around 8 hours last Sunday. It providers a timeline of events, the immediate action take to fix it (they pulled the big red switch) and what the company is doing to prevent re-occurrence. In summary: A random bit got flipped in one of the server state messages that the S3 machines continuously pass back and forth. There was no checksum on these messages, and the erroneous information was propagated across the cloud, causing so much inter-server chatter, that no customer work got done.

Submission + - Actually, Leopard will have ZFS says Apple

Angostura writes: An Apple spokesperson has contacted InformationWeek to clarify the statement by an official that ZFS wouldn't be included within Leopard according to a comment to the original story posted by West Coast Editor Michael Singer. The official was meant to say that " ZFS would be available as a limited option, but not as the default file system." The site is preparing a follow-up story with more details.

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