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Comment Re:A "trick"? Seriously? (Score 1, Informative) 346

He was in Hong Kong, not in the "PRC". Document yourself instead of spouting nonsense.

And he knew the FSB was going to be interested in him, he was just hoping to leave Russia ASAP to go to South America. The Obama administration revoked his passport, stranding him in Russia. Furthermore, I believe that most of what Snowden gave to Greenwald, the FSB/Russian intelligence knew already: NSA, like many other US agencies have had its share of moles.

Comment Re:Not About Growth Anyway (Score 2) 97

Champagne is a French trademark that is valid and applicable everywhere in the world, not just in the USA.

It was trademarked because French Champagne producers were frankly, tired, of inferior, sometimes even really shitty products, being sold as ''Champagne''.

In other words, if you want to sell shitty bubbly wine, go ahead and produce/sell it, just don't call it Champagne. That, for once, is a reasonable application of Trademark/Intellectual Property.

Comment Re:announcing goatsecret (Score 1) 127

There have been too many problems with existing crypto code so I've developed something better: goatsecret. Instead of relying on math, it relies on a frenchman's gaping asshole. Basically, the software breaks your message/file/whatever into small chunks and superimposes the data in the goatsecret image. Sure, it's not encrypted, but who is going to stare into the void just to get your data? No hacker/cracker/big business/three-letter-agency is that desperate.

... neither is the intended recipient of the data.
That's the only flaw with your scheme I can think of.

... Except if the recipient is French, of course!

(By the way, wasn't the guy American?)

Comment Re:Who Cares? (Score 0, Flamebait) 354

This is not about a plastic guns, this is about a paradigm shift that is no less momentous than VHS and later MP3s.

I am not so sure about that. 3D printing has the potential to become a very important technology, but right now, printing cheap plastic trinkets is not what I would call game-changing. But that's just me: it just strikes me as a seemingly good idea - a little bit like flying cars - that can go both ways. It can be truly revolutionary (Crete your own factory in your garage! Let a thousand entrepreneurs bloom!) or it can be the kind of thing that never really lived up to its promise. Time will tell.

And another thing: whether the printed plastic gun really is unsafe or not, I believe it illustrates the risks of 3D-printing. In other words, if you really know what you are doing and printing to specs, using equivalent or better materials than the original creator, it's great. Or you can make a complete fool of yourself, and just print it, because, well, you can! And find yourself severely maimed - or worse - because you did not check the 3D file or whatnot.

On the other hand, the next time some idiot decides to rob a bank or convenience store with a printed plastic gun, the results could be highly amusing. I can see the TV announcements from here: "Another redneck gun-toting moron gets face full of lead and melted plastic. Film at 11".

As an aside: what's with Americans and their guns? Sheesh, people, grow up. You don't need a plastic-or-metal penis to be a real man. (And let the flame wars begin!)

Comment Re:EROEI? (Score 1) 280

tl;dr Science may be easy, but engineering is expensive and we all know how hard it is to get funding from governments if you don't know the special handshake.

Except, of course, they already got funding from NASA-JPL in the past - so you could argue they do know the "secret handshake" or whatnot.

I believe (after a bit more research) that they did not get Government or other fundings because their main scientist is really controversial. He may be a plasma specialist, but his cosmological ideas also run counter to traditional views & theories.

Make of that what you will - he may be right (on Fusion power, at least), but he should have taken a more back-seat role for the (non-crowdsourced) funding effort.

Comment EROEI? (Score 4, Insightful) 280

I am sorry, that sounds like a suspiciously "pie in the sky" project to me.

First of all, nuclear fusion is insanely difficult. OK, maybe not *that* difficult, more like: "Easiest way to get fusion is to get 1.99x10^30 Kg of hydrogen in one place" difficult.

Now, coming out of nowhere, we have people saying: "Give us US$ 1,000,000 and we will give you portable, safe fusion within 6 years!". Sure, people, what makes you think you can do better than, say ITER? New approach, yadda yadda yadda, sure, I have heard that one before. Whatever the "new approach" was, it did not work the first time, it probably won't work now. Insanely difficult problem, overconfidence of the new kid on the block, and all that

Second, the old "Fusion power is clean!" saw. No, it is not. Fusion generates insane temperature and neutron radiation. What makes you think you can put everything in a small container? What happens to all that energy dissipation? To the container and its surroundings? If you RTFA, these people are saying thay can generate up to 5MW in a containment chamber "small enough to fit in a garage"! Excuse me? No dangerous radiation, perfect containment in a completely secure, small package? Hmmm... The Engineering does not seem strong in this one.

Third argument against: EROEI. Sure, you can get fusion going in a very small spot. We know this, it has been done before, using several different technologies (See Z-Machine at Sandia National Lab, for instance). BUT... (a) how much power do you have to pump into these capacitors to even *create* fusion in the first place? (b) creating fusion can be done... but what about *sustaining* a fusion reaction? In other words, if it takes you 20MW of power to sustain 5MW of power generation, where is your EROEI? Oooops... There is none.

Final nail in the coffin: "We were financed by NASA-JPL". So what? NASA funds thousands of projects per year. JPL, probably hundreds. And don't get me started on the NSF or DARPA, (or whatever local equigvalent exist in your country), OK?They certainly fund some pretty weird things, just on the off-chance that XYZ wild theory could prove interesting. Or, even better, that XYZ wild theory will be conclusively disproved. That, in itself, does not mean anything. It certainly does not mean your project is headed by cool-headed, super-smart, seasoned engineers and scientists: just that your weird project received a bit of money from whatever popular government entity you could contact.

As a matter of fact, if your project was so smart and so innovative, *and* headed by cool-headed, super-smart, seasoned engineers and scientists, you probably would not have to ask for money on IndieGogo or other: smart money would flow, by the millions, into your coffers, again just on the off-chance that super-duper weird idea could prove to be the real, "fusion in a box" thing that could change the world. Seriously. And don't give me that conspiracy crap that big oil does not want you to be independent yadda yadda yadda: there is so much money floating around right now, looking for ROI, and so many (rich) people ready to tweak the nose of Govt (See: The Intercept) that a serious project like this would get funded 10 times over. WhatsApp sold for *billions* of dollars for Pete sake! What makes you think portable fusion reactors could not get funded? Get Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg on the phone!

All in all, this does not sound very serious. More like the romantic fantasy of the genius guy in a garage changing the world one micro-fusion reactor at a time. Sorry.

Fund this? Sure, why not. But I'll pass this one, thank you very much.

Comment Re:Rate of shrinkage (Score 5, Interesting) 160

Interesting. Makes me wonder, what is they age of the feature?

Oldest reports of the Red Spot on Jupiter have been tentatively dated (roughly) to the late 1600s. It was studied by Cassini (the original astronomer, not the satellite of the same name). It's been studied extensively since the early 1800s. So we are talking about a storm raging on Jupiter that has been going on for 400+ years at least.

Think about this: that storm -- 3 times to size of the Earth at its biggest -- has been visible from the Earth for 400+ years. With winds hundreds of kilometers an hour running inside.

And now it's dying, and we may be witnesses to an amzing events in the coming years. Thinking about it gives me chills.

Comment Re:Well sure.... (Score 1) 347

Only possibility is to home-build all your systems, using nothing but individual parts, bought from several different suppliers, preferably from factories not based in the U.S. or China. Difficult, but not impossible.

Finally, once machine has been built, install nothing but open-source software, such as Quagga or OpenBGPD, PfSense and FreeNAS, for instance, including auditing the code yourself.

And even then, you are not safe, since Vupen and other delightful guns-for-hire are busy selling NSA zero-day exploits for your favourite piece of gear. Are we having fun yet?

Oh, and NSA snooping not bothering you? Why? Nothing to hide? Meditate upon the old Niemoller saying: "First, they came for the socialist..." until it finally gets through you thick skull.

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