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Comment Peopleware (Score 1) 156

Open floor plans have nothing to do with improving innovation or creativity. That's just what they tell people.

The real reason is the realest of all reasons: cost savings.

In the 90s software companies offered everyone "their own office". It was a source of pride for them (I've never worked any other way).
There was also research that supported it. A famous book was Tom DeMarco's "Peopleware" that stated that companies with private offices had programmers that were 5-10x more productive. (This book also started the "rock star" idea that some programmers are 10x more productive.. but people have forgotten that the central conclusion was that PRIVATE OFFICES were a key piece of this equation)

Then these companies come along in the post-dotCom era and say that productivity will be better with smaller offices. They simply are making things up to make the MBAs happy.

Comment Bayes rule (Score 4, Interesting) 37

If a 99% accurate test is true, but the probability of the condition is only 0.0001%, it is still highly improbable that the person is afflicted by the condition on the basis of the test alone. Its important to narrow down the population before any testing is effective.

Comment Re:I call shenanigans... (Score 3, Funny) 446

"Coding jobs can be easily outsourced to wherever the going rate for labor is cheapest. Google's "coder shortage" seems completely imaginary. They're an advertising company whose greatest trick was convincing the world they are a software company."

Wouldn't it be interesting if Google was really just a front for the NSA?

They did it in Argo.. why not make a company with irresistible tech that makes everyone give the company their secrets. Sounds easier to do then breaking cryptographic codes all day.

Comment Re:Well, I guess I've got to watch it now. (Score -1, Troll) 356

"Most of the people in India agree with him, including women."

Get off your high horse dude.
The US has its own rape culture. Its called "fraternities" that promote misogyny and even rape quite effectively.

Rape is an old problem which some cultures struggle with more than others.. but don't pretend that it is only an "India" problem. Have you seen those blue lights in college campuses lately? (Hint: its to protect the women from US-home-grown rapists!)

Comment Re:I have said it before (Score 1) 384

"Other energy sources would be vastly more costly if their waste products weren't already grandfathered in to the public mindset and their true impacts to safety and environmental impact "

This is actually a very insightful point. Imagine how costly coal would be if its numerous environmental costs were included in calculations (as they are done in nuclear).

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