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Comment It's THERE ON THE PAGE (Score 1) 246

"Followed by The Black Swan"
Which was in 2007, and his day job was an economist in the finance industry while he was writing those.

Edge cases were considered in science long before an economist picked a new name for a gross oversimplification of old ideas. He's very much an anti-statistician and calls them "pseudoscientists".

What is the motivation of your little luddite sig? To say that the views of any expert are worthless and thus climate science if worthless - or is it something less obvious that makes you want to challenge the authority of anyone with a clue?

Comment You went THAT far? (Score 1) 628

and runs the whole stereotype of men as misogynistic pigs.

The boys in that class probably were (think back to your schooldays) so the search for something that was sourced from a centrefold is a fuckup on several levels.

I think perhaps the goal is to change STEM into another version of the veterinarian field

Did a shock-jock eat your brain? No? Then lay off with the ridiculous over-reaction that insults the intelligence of everyone that reads it. You cannot possible be so stupid as to connect a complaint about porn in the classroom with a vast social conspiracy - shock-jocks had to destroy their brains with years of cocaine abuse to get that far.

True enough By pointing out how a picture of a woman that is rated G

A centrefold with nipples on show rated G in the land of the massive outrage of a nipple at the Superbowl? Not a chance of it being rated G. Mild or not, it's still porn in the CS class and the boys went into Bevis and Butthead mode which upset the girls. It was a fuckup. It's as stupid as rolling out the porn at Sunday school.

Comment Re:Hahah (Score 1) 246

The shitbag in the article committed a crime. He should be punished.

At an adult prison? The experts seem to think locking kids up in adult prisons is a very stupid idea, hence my focus on your stupid luddite sig pretending that experts are not experts which seems to indicate that very stupid ideas have found fertile soil.

Comment Re:It took 5 years? (Score 1) 180

Doesn't seem in any way related to your post so maybe you should actually try writing some stuff instead of assuming that people will figure out the unrelated unwritten stuff for themselves. I suspect that's why the mods didn't have the faintest clue what you were writing about and just saw an accusation of a lie that hasn't happened.

Comment Re:Hahah (Score 1) 246

The attitude sort of makes sense coupled with the weird sig - not being able to tell the difference between science and economics so not being able to make sense of juvenile versus adult criminal treatment goes with the territory.
Yes it's a personal attack but you wanted big boy games with consequences didn't you?

Comment Oh really now? (Score 1) 628

Very strong words - why exactly? Would you like high school CS teachers to discuss porn with their students or do you have some other motivation for your sad attempt at bullying me?
It's not the time, place or the person that should be trusted with doing it. By sheer co-incidence I'm currently reading a biography of a radio "shock-jock" who was driven out of high school teaching for having frank discussions about sex with his high school students until 3am (and other stuff that was suspected but not proven). It's not something that should be encouraged since teachers have so much influence over their students.

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