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Comment Re:Insert standard replies here... (Score 5, Informative) 158

Advanced Placement. It's a program offered by the College Board that allows high school students to receive college credit for courses completed in high school, teaching college-level curriculum, and evaluated by a test (that the College Board administers and scores). The number of credits and exact course translation toward your university is usually determined by your AP test score (on a scale of 1-5). Shaved close to a year off college with these puppies :)

HD DVD Player Sales Grind To a Halt 507

Lucas123 writes "While the news may fall under the 'Duh' category, it's still relatively shocking how quickly the death knell for HD DVD player sales came on after Warner Bros. announced they were dropping dual hi-def DVD format support in order to back only Blu-ray. According to a Computerworld story, the week after Warner's announcement, sales of HD DVD players dropped to 1,758, down from 14,558 players the week before. In contrast, consumers bought 21,770 Blu-ray Disc players, up from 15,257 the previous week."

The Secret of the Sun's Heated Atmosphere 158

eldavojohn writes "There has long been speculation on why the Sun's surface is a mere ten thousand degrees while the atmosphere can reach millions. is reporting that the mystery has now been solved. Researchers looked for Alfven waves in the solar chromosphere and found them. Followup studies employing simulations demonstrated that the energetics work out to transfer energy from the Sun's surface to its overlying corona.. The magnetic waves may also be the power source behind the solar wind."

Submission + - Creating a Successful Startup

calumtdalek writes: "Economist Larry Smith discusses how to create a successful software startup company. He notes that many students have the technical knowledge to create a product but lack the skills necessary to market their product and manage a software company. Smith gives specific examples of University of Waterloo startups (with names redacted) that have been successful and others that have been unsuccessful."

Submission + - Illegal White House Email Causing Security Risk?

An anonymous reader writes: Has White House email policy broken the law and endangered national security? Hold on, this gets complicated. While investigating what happened during the recent firing of eight federal prosecutors, it was revealed that much of the email from the White House were not using official government servers, but using servers provided by the Republican National Committee. (One of these serves was named ''.) It was also reported that Karl Rove does 95% of his email on these non-governmental accounts.

This raises two critical issues: first, does this violate the Presidential Records Act, passed after Nixon and Watergate? Second, does this create a potential security breach? How much security does the RNC maintain, compared to the White House? There is also the issue of people on the White House payroll doing work for the RNC on government time, another potential law-breaker.

Henry Waxman, D-CA, wants to know what is going on. He has sent a letters to the RNC and the Bush-Cheney campaign to preserve there emails for congressional investigation. man/

For comments on security see and

All these websites are extremely partisan. Let the Flame Wars begin!
Real Time Strategy (Games)

Submission + - Second life terrorist attacks?

An anonymous reader writes: Yahoo online news reports about a virtual terrorist group called the Second Life Liberation Army which has ignited a few bombs near online shopping districts in a protest against the way Second Life is currently going. It seems that many players from the first hour do not like the way things are heading in the virtual world now that bigger companies also show an interest in the virtual world.

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Our business in life is not to succeed but to continue to fail in high spirits. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
