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Comment Re:Headline Is So Very Wrong (Score 1) 1193

Straight off the bat, yes that does sound insane but you're not factoring in what they're paying taxes on

From wikipedia

The bottom 25% have no net wealth
the middle 50% (25-75) have 13% of America's wealth
While the top 25% control 87%

From another source, the top 10% control 70% of the wealth while only paying 55% (from your figures) while those holding 30% of the wealth pay 45%

Comment Re:So much for Apple's 'flawless' execution (Score 1) 446

I just returned my Evo. Waiting till december and getting whatever new one is out though sounds like a sound idea. My issues with that compared to the iPhone 1) Battery life was horrible, I had to actively kill tasks with a task manager that mysteriously popped up again (sprint tv etc) 2) The phone randomly didn't charge / the battery heated up (presume that was simply a faulty device) 3) No option for a federated backup. When I called in about the charging issue they asked me to take it in and swap it out but no complete backup solutions made it slightly more involved then it should've been 4) A couple of apps that I use aren't on the Android yet (Skype / RedFin / Facebook.. the current one is shit ) I'm presuming with the speed increases coming down the line with 2.2 the above would be somewhat better and with 3.0 slated for October they'll clean up the power usage more. Also the apps I mentioned should be out (since they're all saying coming soon!!)

Submission + - Installing Android 2.2 "Froyo" on the Nexus One (

gjt writes: I awoke this morning to see TechCrunch's MG Siegler post what appeared to be the first news of Froyo's availability. I frantically went to my phone's settings and tried to check for an update -oe but no luck. Then I went to and sure enough there was a very long thread (now over 132 pages) of fellow eager beavers waiting for release (and trying to figure out how to get it). Several hours went by waiting for a semi-technical user to get the update and check the Android logs for the download location. It turns out you can get it straight from Google. With the information scattered around in different places I decided to consolidate the How-To into a single post over here.

Comment Re:I have seen the lecture you are referring too. (Score 2, Interesting) 502

Get a copy of the the incoherence of philosophers by ghazali and read it, you'll find gems like fire intrinsically has no capacity to burn - only through divine intervention does the burning effect occur

Go through a list of major scientific figures from the dark ages. They rapidly accelerate till around 1100AD followed by a sharp falloff. Science had all but stopped centuries (1300AD) before the renaissance began. Can't find anything better put together googling @ the moment but - this should give you an idea

Also read up on the mutazilah who dominated the scientific (scholar) community until Ghazali gained popularity resulting in them dying out (including many being killed outright) and the asherite (conservative) school attaining dominance

Comment Re:What? No Due Process? (Score 1) 301

Nobody is trivializing it - Innocent until proven guilty? If they're actually guilty then you can argue over the merits of this - otherwise it's plain wrong.
Personal anecdote: A friend of mine that was pulled over, passed all the roadside sobriety tests, passed the field breathalyzer and was arrested anyways, he then passed the test at the detention center which resulted in them calling immigration on him (I'd presume because he looked middle eastern :)).

FWIW He was not on a visa and the judge threw out the case and had his record expunged.

First MySQL 5.5 Beta Released 95

joabj writes "While MySQL is the subject of much high-profile wrangling between the EU and Oracle (and the MySQL creator himself), the MySQL developers have been quietly moving the widely-used database software forward. The new beta version of MySQL, the first publicly available, features such improvements as near-asynchronous replication and more options for partitioning. A new release model has been enacted as well, bequeathing this version the title of 'MySQL Server 5.5.0-m2.' Downloads here."

Sharp Rise In Jailing of Online Journalists; Iran May Just Kill Them 233

bckspc writes "The Committee to Protect Journalists has published their annual census of journalists in prison. Of the 136 reporters in prison around the world on December 1, 'At least 68 bloggers, Web-based reporters, and online editors are imprisoned, constituting half of all journalists now in jail.' Print was next with 51 cases. Also, 'Freelancers now make up nearly 45 percent of all journalists jailed worldwide, a dramatic recent increase that reflects the evolution of the global news business.' China, Iran, Cuba, Eritrea, and Burma were the top 5 jailers of journalists." rmdstudio writes, too, with word that after the last few days' protest there, largely organized online, the government of Iran is considering the death penalty for bloggers and webmasters whose reports offend it.

Comment Re:oh c'mon (Score 1) 206

For one by knowing what you searched for before and which links you clicked, it can re-sort the results on the same query to show u the prior ones first (it already does this with people with google accounts , with a tag of 'x' times visited). Not to say that I'm pro-google or pro-tracking , it should be opt-in not opt-out
Open Source

Linux Kernel 2.6.32 Released 195

diegocg writes "Linus Torvalds has officially released the version 2.6.32 of the Linux kernel. New features include virtualization memory de-duplication, a rewrite of the writeback code faster and more scalable, many important Btrfs improvements and speedups, ATI R600/R700 3D and KMS support and other graphic improvements, a CFQ low latency mode, tracing improvements including a 'perf timechart' tool that tries to be a better bootchart, soft limits in the memory controller, support for the S+Core architecture, support for Intel Moorestown and its new firmware interface, run-time power management support, and many other improvements and new drivers. See the full changelog for more details."
Data Storage

What Desktop Search Engine For a Shared Volume? 232

kriston writes 'Searching data on a shared volume is tedious. If I try to use a Windows desktop search engine on a volume with hundreds of gigabytes the indexing process takes days and the search results are slow and unsatisfying. I'm thinking of an agent that runs on the server that regularly indexes and talks to the desktop machines running the search interface. How do you integrate your desktop search application with your remote file server without forcing each desktop to index the hundred gigabyte volume on its own?'

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