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Comment Re:easy (Score 1) 480

He's obviously picking scenarios that support his predetermined viewpoint, ignoring the fact that most startups fail. We're not talking here about getting hired into a successful company at a multimillion-dollar salary. This is about mortgaging one's home to try and build something, and creating opportunities for others in the process.

The ones h4rr4r refers to are nicknamed the "1%" (the wall-street version, that is) for a reason. They're in the vast minority.

Comment Re:"One laptop" program may be what you want (Score 1) 325

Brand new: http://www.hammacher.com/Product/81898?tid=pr81898. More than a $150 tablet, but better than a $150 tablet that you can't use.

Not so new: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=manual+typewriter (One of those looks like what I did all my high school & some college papers with).

Comment Re:There's nothing Darwin about it. (Score 2) 992

I have passed cars who were driving under the speed limit on winding back roads. It is pure chance that I did not crash into an oncoming car.

Then you're a moron. Except for the injuries that you'd have caused to that oncoming car's occupants, it's unfortunate that you didn't.

Slow drivers would just claim that it is their right to drive slow and the deaths from head-on collisions in the other lane are 100% the fault of the driver passing them...

And they'd be right. If you drive in the oncoming traffic lane and hit something, it is completely your fault. Your choice, your action, your fault. Live with it.

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