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Comment Re:Probably coincidence. (Score 2, Insightful) 480

But there have now been reports (just adding up the comments posted on slashdot and emails to me) of hundreds of machines going down at precisely 00:00:00 GMT (across multiple timezones). That combined set of data points plus the obvious potential issue of a leap second being introduces at that precise time would seem to make your coincidence theory astronomically unlikely.

Comment Re:Probably coincidence. (Score 1) 480

As the OP and having read about several hundred other stable machines in multiple timezones crashing at that precise second, I do not believe that is a coincidence. Several people have reported 10 or more machines crashing at precisely 00:00:00 GMT -- it is so unlikely that hundreds of stable servers crashed precisely at this moment, that I would bet anything that this is NOT a coincidence. Plus, the last time my machine encountered a leap second, it was running FC1 with a very different kernel so that does not prove anything.

Submission + - Anybody (other than Zune) have 1/1/09 crashes?

aputerguy writes: "My Fedora 8 Linux server crashed sometime between 18:59:40 EST (GMT -5:00) and 19:00:00 EST (GMT -5:00) on Dec 31, 2008 which remarkably corresponds to within at most 20 seconds of the New Year in GMT.

I have been running this same hardware non-stop for more than SIX YEARS and other than the occasional reboot for kernel (or distro) upgrades, it has not crashed more than 1 or 2 times in 2237 days of cumulative uptime. Nothing other than background processes were running at the time of the crash.

Could this be a coincidence or was there some 2008/2009 rollover issue going on here?

Has anyone (other than Zune 30GB owners noticed similar year-end issues with their computers or electronic devices?"

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