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Comment Re:Will the cameras work? (Score 1) 643

There will be nothing to "retain" nor "verify", if a cop wraps a piece of chewing gum around camera's lens and microphone hole for a few minutes...

Other than the video showing the cop putting chewing gum on the lens ... and the video of the cop removing chewing come from the lens ...

There will just be a string of "unexplained malfunctions" nationwide, which the manufacturers will be at a loss to explain...

Except for the video mentioned above explaining what happened clearly ...

It may be possible to get it to work, yes, but it is going to be a lot harder, than the Senator realizes...

There are multiple OSS libraries that already are capable of detecting most of the ways the camera could be obscured, especially as something as trivial as the input going dark which you could do very simply, and basic motion detection would also catch it ... gee, the camera gyros show the camera is moving but the video isn't changing or is changing across all pixels fairly equally ... because its extremely blurred/obscured.

Or Prosecuting Attorney: Officer, why do we have a video show you putting gum over the lense of your camera 5 minutes before this shooting occurred and taking it off 10 minutes after? Whats that? You're going to be found guilty of the crime you're charged with? Yes, we understand that, guess you shouldn't have obscured the camera eh?

Comment Re:Will the cameras work? (Score 1) 643

Now, I don't own a GoPro, but last I heard, they were nearly indestructible inside their shatterproof sealed case.

The only thing the case does is keep water and dirt out. A 5 foot drop will easily destroy a GoPro, and I know this as I have a friend with multiple videos of his GoPro being killed as it falls to the ground for various reasons in the case.

They are pretty shitty cameras, their only advantage is that they are light and have ready made accessories, beyond that, if you really want to be rough, GoPro isn't the choice to make.

Comment Re:I like... (Score 2, Insightful) 643

... have you watched the full video ... because it confirms exactly what the police said, and has people on the video talking about how he ran at the cop with a knife even though its not visible in the video itself.

Not sure at all how you got that it was all lies. Pretty much EVERYONE else recognizes that it was suicide by cop.

You've watched an edited version that removes the beginning where the camera walks by the guy holding the knife. The camera man originally passed within a few feet of the victim from the same direction that cop vehicle came in from. You're also not seeing the ending where the witnesses are discussing the fact that he ran at the cop with a knife that THEY saw which you can't see on a shitty phone video.

You're basically watching the Julian Assange edit of the video thats designed to mislead you into thinking collateral murder.

There was no protest or riot because the full version of the video took away every excuse to protest. The guy had mental issues, had just robbed a store and was standing on the curb daring anyone to fuck with him and to try and get the two sodas he took from the store.

Comment Re:I like... (Score 0, Troll) 643

Well, they'll solve the rioting,

No, it won't. The shooting in Ferguson was used as an excuse to riot.

Look at the story, every 'witness' says he was shot in the back running away ... until the autopsy shows that NONE of the wounds were in his back. From the start every witness account was bullshit. The kid had JUST robbed a store, that there is video of. He's seen being aggressive in the video. This is fact. Everyone that knew what actually happened lied and started causing trouble.

Not since Watts has any riot in america been legitimate. Everyone has been an excuse for people to burn THIER OWN NEIGHBORHOOD DOWN ... W.T.F.

If you look at Ferguson, the actual people doing the 'rioting' have nothing to do with the incident, hell more than a few of them fucking flew in from the East or West coast. You know its bullshit the instant Al Sharpton gets involved. He's nothing but a loud mouth blowhard who does his very best to promote hatred and encourage racism.

Cameras won't stop this problem, they'll just remove this particular venus and instead it'll be more Treyvon Martin style incidents instead of cops.

I'm all for putting cameras on cops, but pretending this problem is a problem caused by the cops is ignorance at best. This is a cultural issue where the people 'rioting' live in and promote a culture of racism and use that as an excuse to be violent. The racism isn't just black vs white either, whites are a popular and easy target but any group thats different is used to facilitate this crap.

If you want to solve these 'riots' stop pretending the rioters are legitimate when they clearly aren't. Again, against the police in this case have been lying from the start acting like the kid was a saint, and every time a new fact emerges it becomes more and more clear that he was nothing more than a hood rat.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 506

these things are going to be packed to the gills with dozens of sensors covering thousands of metrics and they will be logged every second.

Running software written by the lowest paid developer they could find.

Fuck being upright, cramped, and crammed in to the front of a car.

Space constraints are already an issue, laying down is going to consume far more space ... and ...

I want to lounge back in comfort, read the news, catch up on email, etc.

Do you do this on an empty train/bus? Do you always lay down at home or at the office? Do you lay back while sitting in your chain in front of (insert whatever it is you do in your leasuire time)? Whats that? No, you don't? Because it isn't really all that comfortable unless you're sleeping? Oh, my bad, maybe you should leave the engineering up to engineers who put more than half a thought into ergonomics.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 0) 506

Bwhahahaha. Only if they work perfectly and you're strong enough to do so, its not power assisted And its always on the rear wheels ... even in a front wheel drive car.

And for reference, that handle ... isn't called an 'emergancy brake' its called a 'parking brake' and theres a reason its called the later instead of the former.

Comment Re:MADMADMAD (Score 1) 61

Bezos was in the right place at the right time with some great techies leading him.

Pretending amazon is because of him is like pretending Microsoft is because of gates. The CEO is generally not that important, he/she gets lucky and also picks the right people to do the real work.

Comment Re:Cash? (Score 1) 61

They don't buy the tech, they buy the user base and in some cases the contracts the company already has with others OR to prevent this service from being competition directly or in case another organization buys them. A lot of times its nothing more than stifling competition and innovation.

Ridiculous amounts of money for companies that clearly are entirely not worth it aren't because they are buying the company, they are buying company related assets, usually the most important of which is the existing user base which they then generally proceed to utterly destroy.

Google didn't buy YouTube for video tech, they already had their own, that very few people used ... They bought a bunch of users for the user base and content, which they now use to peddle their ads.

Why do they do this? Because they are such shitty companies that they are unable to innovate and satisfy any customers so they have to buy someone else's, which is also the reason they utterly destroy the user bases of the company they buy ... they don't know how to satisfy them ... hence the buying ... circle repeat.

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