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Comment Re:A rather simplistic hardware-centric view (Score 2) 145

I kind of agree with TFA here -- hear me out here. We went through a pretty fundamental shift in the datacenter over the last 10 years or so, and it's finally settling down. Of course there will be constant evolutionary progressions, updates, patches, etc we're basically done totally reinventing the datacenter. 10GbE, virtualization, the rise of SANs and converged data/storage, along with public/private/hybrid clouds - these huge transformative shifts have mostly happened already and we're settling into this new architecture. That's not to say there won't be patches and upgrades, but fundamentally, from a architectural design perspective, things have basically settled down in the datacenter. The major pieces and components of the datacenter are pretty much set at this point and now we'll just continue to innovate on top of this infrastructure.

Comment Re:Thoughts (Score 1) 194

Most have small screens and are pretty costly. By using one (or a couple) inexpensive TVs on carts, we can move them around the building as necessary, so we can get a lot of use out of them. Is there a particular model you've had success with? I'd definitely be interested in hearing about it. I'm definitely not opposed to the concept in theory. And we have a large Cisco IP voice deployment (~1500 registered endpoints in Cisco CUCM) so I've only really looked a tthe Cisco product offerings (read: $$$).

Comment Re:Thoughts (Score 1) 194

The biggest problem we have with iPads are:
  • - Tendancy to "walk off" (read: stolen, "lost")
  • - Many of our residents don't have the capability of holding or using the device. This is mostly SNF with high acuity compared to ALF
  • - Small screen, can be difficult for them to see

And I have zero problems with Apple. We've got just under 500 iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) deployed organization wide (managed via Air-Watch). And we actually have complete 100% blanket 802.11n WiFi coverage of all of our centers. So, coverage is a non-issue. I'd see the biggest hurdle being just their ability to hold the device, especially for an extended period of time. I think for an ALF/ILF it would make a lot more sense.

Comment Easy (Score 2) 427

Virtual machine running GNS3 with the Cisco IOS 12.x mainline code for a 7206VXR. Then just setup bridging and add the IP for the gns3 node as your default GW. All done with one NIC. Enterprise grade router running on your desktop. With modern multicore CPUs it runs great and has all the features you'd ever need (eg Zone Based Policy Firewall, QoS, ACL, policy routing and it can even function as an SBC running CUBE code).

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