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Comment as a psychologist (Score 3, Interesting) 249

I would like to point out that, by using these supports, you are becoming mindful of, and acquiring new behaviors. Given sufficient time, repetition, and success, they will become new, adaptive behaviors and eventually habits - assuming you are not prompting/reminding yourself to do maladaptive behaviors. This is not outsourcing self-control, but enhancing it to help with skill acquisition. During development we had external supports to learn many things such as tying shoes, learning trig, and so on, eventually we internalized these processes. This is simply an electronic means of doing so.

Comment Re:Will it really matter? (Score 1) 617

retention is surely not the answer - and not for the strawman of self-esteem - but because it increases drop-out rates ( possibly due to many aspects of learning and personality that i bet covary with self-esteem, such as self-efficacy and self-control) http://www.nasponline.org/about_nasp/pospaper_graderetent.aspx furthermore, this is why early intervention has become so important - catching failure at kindergarten and first grade for reading, and somewhat later for math skills is critical to ensuring low drop-out rates, and later ability to master sequential/subsequent information.

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