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Comment Re:Real mature (Score 1) 785

Fair and unfair don't even make sense in this context, the point is that it's a lame little jab that doesn't inform anyone about anything. It doesn't even have the benefit of being witty. It's about on the level of "Microsoft, more like MicroSUCK!" It calls to mind a frothing-at-the-mouth nerdrage archetype, immediately helping to discredit whatever valid points you make.

Comment Re:Nice ending (Score 1) 87

This is still a bad, bad move for NCSoft no matter how you slice it. When people buy MMOs they're looking for a game they can invest time into and perhaps come back to years later even if they set it down. That's the important part of an MMO, that your character persists in the long term, your friends list will still be around (and possibly the friends on it!), etc. I'm willing to bet it's not just me that has no inclination to try an NCSoft MMO after this precedent.

Comment Re:This isn't a trend, it's SOE desperation (Score 1) 68

The idea of paying for what you use makes a certain kind of sense, but I vastly prefer some sort of stability. How much are you going to have to pay to get access to content in the next year? What if your guildies like one dungeon and you prefer another dungeon? What happens when they sort through the feedback and find that Swordswingers paid for fewer epic quests than Wizards? I wouldn't bet on Swordswingers getting as much development time as Wizards then. Oh, you like Swordswingers and have years invested in one? Tough titties, market demands dominate the content now. Sure these demands exist anyway, but not with nearly the same immediacy as if you're funding with microtransactions.

And do you wanna bet that you're going to be paying more or less for the same amount of content?

Comment Re:Personalized, but not personal. (Score 1) 142

They manage to catch me off guard with a new trick or just a convenient circumstance once every couple years. I still remember one of the first big worms that went around when I was in high school, I got an e-mail from this girl I had a nerd crush on promising me some manner of lewd photos. Had I thought about it for a moment I would've realized, but damn skippy I clicked that link inside of two seconds hehe.

Submission + - Lego MMOG

syguy writes: "According to a press release by Colorado-based NetDevil, they are partnering with Lego Group to create a "massively multiplayer online gaming experience to further engage its [Lego's] dedicated and active community". Lego MMOG is due out in 2008."

Submission + - Wikipedia links no longer help your Page Rank

Mrs. Grundy writes: "Wikipedia has started automatically adding rel="NOFOLOW" to all external links in an effort to combat link spam. Since wikipedia pages are hip-deep in high page rank they attract the unsavory sort of character hoping to gain a little love from Google on their coattails. By making pages NOFOLOW they essentially deny conferring any page rank points from google and hopefully reduce the incentive to spam the pages with offtopic links. This topic has come up before and the community voted to remove the NOFOLLOW business in 2005. Will this move actually reduce link spam or is even the potential clickthrough valuable enough without the boost in Google's ranking? And how does the value of ranking sites based on links change as more and more popular sites start tagging (eh...labeling) their links NOFOLLOW?"

Submission + - Project Grizzly Inventor Creates Halo Suit

TrevelyanL85A2 writes: "A Project Grizzly inventor appears to have created a Halo-type armour suit designed to give better protection to Canadian and American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. From the article: "Already, he says, the suit has stood up to bullets from high-powered weapons, including an elephant gun. The suit was empty during the ballistics tests, but he's more than ready to put it on and face live fire. "I would do it in an instant,' he said. "Bring it on.""

Submission + - Genetic Algorithms and Design

rafael_es_son writes: "The application of a genetic algorithm, even when met with fitness function criteria as simple as the application of the golden-rule ratio, and a genome composed of rectangles, lines and circles, produces varied graphically and volumetrically interesting compositions. The modeling, implementation and evaluation of additional criteria, such as functional, contextual (existing natural and human-made landscape) and human factors (see "Four Story Limit" for an example) into more comprehensive fitness functions for product design -from toothbrushes to cities- appears to continue to be a promising line of research."

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