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Comment Re:Different opinions (Score 1) 442

The only ways to prevent data corruption upon improper shutdown come at a massive cost in performance. Essentially, a filesystem wishing to pose such a guarantee must block until it can confirm that data is physically written to the device - NOT just cached in that device's RAM. I think you will find that this is many orders of magnitude slower than normal writes, and still dependent on proper behavior of the hardware. Having said that, most filesystems have options that will enable that tradeoff for you, in cases where it is sufficiently important. Or you can use a production-quality relational database, which, in most cases, can be configured in such a way that the loss of a single filesystem will not cause irreparable damage beyond the last few seconds of data entry.

Comment Re:It's a problem in India or Bangladesh (Score 1) 179

Stop, take some probiotics, and start altering your diet to include yogurt, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods. Most of the known mechanisms of glyphosate's toxicity in humans revolve around its propensity to kill beneficial gut bacteria, with which we are symbiotic. Do your best to take care of them, from this point forward, and you should be fine.

Comment Re:Data mining (Score 1) 179

Very misleading summary of the current evidence. Consumption of fructose in the form of fruit, bound together with fiber, reduces morbidity and mortality. In the form in which most of it is consumed, however - HFCS and sucrose - it is among the leading causes of death. It is now known to trigger most of the incidence of metabolic syndrome among adults and even children in the developed world, and much of it in parts of the developing world as well. Other refined carbs are partly to blame, but if we could even halve the consumption of refined sugars it would be a HUGE public health win, comparable to eliminating tobacco and alcohol combined.

Comment Great performance!! (Score 3, Interesting) 59

I've listened to only a little so far, but it sounds extremely promising, with the phrasing, tempo, and ornamentation all being superb. Ms. Ishizaka also does an outstanding job of using the dynamic range of the piano in harmony with the music. This is perhaps among the hardest and most subjective elements of interpreting Bach's keyboard work, since, as other commenters here have noted, most of it predates the widespread adoption of the piano, and was written without its greater dynamic range and expressiveness in mind. So far, this is becoming my favorite recording of this work.

Comment Re:Unconstitutional? (Score 1) 224

Agreed. It is my policy to report any nontrivial income no matter whether I think they will find out about it or not. Not because I think honesty requires it . . . I view government in its present form as little more than an extortion racket . . . but because frankly it is easier not to have to live with the constant fear of "what if the IRS finds out . . . ".

Comment Re:Unconstitutional? (Score 1) 224

I think the point was that there is no way for even a fairly powerful state to know that he fixed your car and you mowed his lawn, unless unless one of you decides to rat on the other, and it is in both your interests not to do so. In fact, the IRS considers barter to constitute taxable income but this is so difficult to enforce that I've never heard of a case of it happening.

Comment Re:Does it inject (Score 1) 248

Heck no. By then, the Internet as we know it will no longer exist, Lenovo will have been out of business for decades, and the IPv22 networks that connect the nanobrains that governments will embed inside our mitochondria, at birth, will no longer understand how to process or route IPv[46] packets.

Comment Re:Side effects may include death (Score 2) 201

This is well understood, and means that testosterone therapy is contraindicated in people with, predisposed to, or having a family history of these problems. That would include me. It also means it may be risky for others. I am considering it anyway, for the simple reason that I'd rather be maximally healthy for 20 more years than to live 40 in my current condition, which is influenced by low testosterone (it is not absurdly low, just a little, but still affects my life in countless ways, nearly all of them negative).

Comment Re:Lift (Score 2) 201

I agree, but a man will benefit from those activities even more if his T starts out being near, or perhaps even slighly above, normal levels, with "normal" being defined not as the average today, which we know is much lower than in the past for various reasons, but the average from 30 years ago. I am not sure this is a bad thing as long as there is competent medical supervision. It's not for everyone; as others have pointed out, it can worsen heart problems, hypertension, aggression, etc. especially if done to excess. But many Americans are low due to medications, chemicals, age, etc., in addition to still-as-yet-unproven reasons. Proper diet, exercise, *and* supplementation may turn out to be the right solution for many people.

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