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Comment Re:Permenant Beta (Score 4, Interesting) 295

to me this all sounds like a lame excuse for the lack of quality of their own software. I mean it's true that there are bugs in the kernel and everywhere on X and alike, but all other apps play nice. only chrome is playing the "poor little guy" part. all other software rants and complains when they find a bug, but they still manage to work it out and to help everything get better. Linux is not the only platform having frustrating bugs that can cripple any piece of software. but it's the easy prey for anyone preparing to become a competitor.
this is the typical tactic of making people "dependent" on their software, then complaining that some of the platforms it runs on doesn't have as much quality to be excused for a poor performance so they can make it work worse and then they have another excuse to impose a bit more of their own platform like the one running on chromebooks or something else about to be launched.

Comment Re:No matter, GNOME, no thank you (Score 2, Interesting) 77

I really don't get all this hate against Gnome 3. It's quite different, for sure and maybe it messes up someone's workflow, but at some point it will always be impossible to evolve without messing up at least some of the workflow and without making some people get used to different paradigms. I adapted quite well to Gnome 3 and am a happy Gnome 3 user. The new flow actually made me quite more productive.
Not trying to impose anything on anyone, but most of what I've seen so far borders an exagerated misguided fundamentalist rage and a lot of the comments I've read come from people that claim missing features that are actually part of Gnome 3 - so, maybe they are blidingly judging a book without even looking at its cover?
I believe many people get legitimately annoyed and frustrated by the changes. I mean, it takes a while to automate a workflow and to get used to something and then sometimes it's back to the begining. But, sorry to disagree, I didn't feel that bad and now I would never go back. I like it quite a lot, to be honest.

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