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Comment This is the government - (Score 1) 165

That we died to get away from.

It's also the government that so many tyranny seekers point to as the desired state in which the US must transition. A helpless disarmed population, and a government with no limits.

This law basically gives the government the right to imprison anyone for life who is online doing anything they decide they oppose. One-button tyranny.

Comment Of course there are - (Score 1) 392

There are kitchens to be staffed, trash cans to be emptied and phones to be answered. All of those things require highly talented individuals who are going to be paying off student debt for eternity making low wages.

Joking aside, the degree matters a lot less or not at all when I hire people. What I am looking for is the ability to think which is unrelated to school and in many cases, counter to it.

Comment We are all - (Score 2) 108

Just so this is perfectly clear - I am an 'un-charged criminal', and so are you. What this is proposing is that the basis of innocent until proven guilty, the freedom from undue search and or seizure, which I am quite sure would have included having armed men follow one around observing them at all times, are all guarantees that we have but are not demanding from our own constitution.

What threat is so great that we accept these conditions? What threat is greater than tyranny and secrecy?

Comment In a state of complete transparency - (Score 1) 455

Considering the degree to which citizens are recorded and their activities surveilled, it is paramount that the same scrutiny be applied to those who wield deadly force on behalf of an ever more secretive and grasping authority not to mention the marked increase in aggression from authority and the militarization of police forces.

Comment I have a hit on my credit report because of this - (Score 1) 401

I was moving out of my house and needed to cancel cable service. I called them, and was put on hold and transferred around and spent no less than 45 minutes trying to get ahold of the right person to cancel my account and was disconnected twice.

In complete frustration, I transferred my cable bill to a separate credit card and cancelled that card. It was all I could do to get rid of comcast without another hour on the phone that I didn't have while packing the house and getting everything ready to go.

The experience was incredibly frustrating.

Comment Normal humans (Score 1) 608

This article feels a little egoistic. The author is saying "Only special people.. like me."

Are also excluded from professional basketball, being CEOs and astronauts. Anywhere that there is competition, there will be emergence of traits that are dominant for that domain. It's not little league. Not everyone is a winner.

I've seen code produced by non-programmers.

Comment Which means to say - (Score 1) 593

We'll hire less qualified non-white candidates to bring up our fake numbers for PR purposes.

I guess that's ok? That is a specifically race-prejudiced action.

The situation is now that they have actually DONE what is the most meritorious race-blind action which is to hire based on qualifications. I guess in today's obama world, that's not good enough.

Comment My story (Score 3, Insightful) 153

What do you mean hacking?

I was the kid who took apart telephones, figured out how to make them do strange things, "borrowed" spare parts from the alarm company dumpster and made things with them... I learned to pick locks, listen in a room with an inductive pickup on phone wires (on old POTS phones, this was possible)

my first 'hack' was to short out connections on a video pong machine and make it do weird things.

my second and probably best hack was to make a working apple ][ out of spare parts in the apple store I worked at on weekends. Integer basic forever!

Ultimately I hack because of incurable curiosity and a desire to improve and eliminate inefficiencies. I am a producer, not a consumer.

Comment This is expected - (Score 1) 579

Remember, these industries are monopolies and their opponents are individuals. We will have a period of adjustment where the dying titans make themselves look even worse and fail to justify their own purpose by lashing out against things which are a benefit to mankind.

The basic problem here is the basic problem of our government anymore. We really do not have individual representation against corporate interests.

Comment Does anyone else feel worse about this... (Score 1) 291

after reading their denial?

The denial reeks of clintonesque cynicism, where one is tacitly splitting hairs in some clever semantic way which not only to me demonstrates guilt, but a culture of guilt and a preparedness for smirking dishonesty.

These are the people we entrust with our encryption? We are good and truly fucked.

Submission + - GTA V Franklin negative money bug workaround (

choke writes: GTA V released with a bug that causes players using Franklin who take the "Lamar Down" mission without enough money to 'give' to a storyline character in a followup cutscene to go into negative money, which causes all future money income to terminate before crediting with the singular exception of credits from 'stolen wallet vigilante' missions.

This bug is not restricted to Franklin, nor is the workaround.

The workaround to the bug is to seek out a 'stop thief' minimission, and to obtain the 'goods' which will bypass sanity checks and credit the character's balance, returning the character to positive cash.

Note that any normal income while a player has negative money will not be awarded, including the end-game 30 million dollar mission.

Comment Why didn't we think of that earlier? (Score 1) 439

What an idea! Tax technologies that replace old, wasteful ones to prop up the old wasteful ones. Oh my god the horse and buggy people should have thought of this, or the gas lamp makers who were so rudely displaced by light bulbs.

This is such a fantastically brilliant idea that it could really only come from a California politician. They are truly unique in that regard.

There are so many things wrong with this proposal on so many levels, that it is upsetting that it has gotten as far as it has. The idea that we should further burden citizens with a tax rather than simply charge a sustaining amount for services is absurd, when a significant use of those services is used for bulk-rate distribution of shit mail that wastes resources and commercial mail.

This is public support of corporate welfare, again.


Submission + - SimCity 5: How not to design a single player game. (

choke writes: Players attempting to play EA/Maxis' new SimCity game are finding that their save games are tied to a particular server, are facing problems with disconnects, inability to track friends or search for specific coop games online and failures to load game, and wait times of 20 minutes per login attempt.

The question is, why the online restriction? Does this possibly indicate future micro-transactions in game?

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