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Comment Re:2015: Still using Facebook (Score 1) 80

I'm no more "forced" to use Facebook than I am "forced" to have a cell phone. I could get by with just a landline or even no phone. It would just be massively inconvenient. It's the same with Facebook. Yes I could live without it. I choose not to. You're welcome to decide differently if you wish.

Comment Re:Just hire a CPA (Score 0) 450

Have you ever heard of ethics?

Have you ever heard of fiduciary duty? Are you working for the IRS or your clients?

So he had just under $400 on a 1099-MISC. Since it was on a 1099-MISC it was definitely reported to the IRS.

That's obviously reportable. On the other hand, reporting "just under $400" in income that didn't come with a 1099 is pure stupidity. If I tell you I got $500 fixing someone's computer are you seriously going to tell me that needs to be reported as income? C'mon.....

Comment Re:2015: Still using Facebook (Score 2) 80

Why? Why, with everything that everyone knows about Facebook, all the privacy violations, all the obvious signs that they really don't give a rat's ass about the users, just the money that users' data can earn them, would anyone still be using Facebook?

Because social networking is > than what which preceded it and Facebook has a critical mass of users that makes the alternatives (G+) pale in comparison? I have friends on five different continents. Is there an easier way to remain in contact with them? To stay abreast of the developments in their lives and to keep them current on mine? Additionally, I have friends in countries where texting isn't included in their base phone plans, so they all invariably use FB Messenger for communications that Americans would conduct over SMS. My choice is to use Facebook or to wall myself off from these people. My irritation with Facebook's nonsense is not high enough to choose the latter. Besides, FB only knows that which I choose to share; if you choose to share every single trip to the grocery store and every single sexual partner they're going to build quite the profile on you. If you're a bit more selective then they won't have as much information. Common sense applies here people.

And I'll smack the first person that responds with "just have them e-mail you"; there's a reason why social networking displaced e-mail and anyone who is going to give that glib answer should consider how they would have responded to "just have them write you" when e-mail was the "new thing."

Comment Re:Just hire a CPA (Score 1) 450

If they only make $350 I can avoid the Schedule C by reporting it as "Other Income" on line 21 of a 1040, but I cant get that onto a 1040A or an EZ.

If they only make $350 in the side-gig why the hell would you report it? For one it was probably handled in cash, which means the IRS is clueless about it. Additionally, one of the few useful lessons I learned from a professional tax preparer was that the IRS doesn't audit people seeking to recover amounts that are worth less than the audit itself costs the IRS. Nobody ever got audited over $350 in undeclared income.

At least sweep <1099 amounts ($600) under the rug for heaven's sake....

Comment Re:Just hire a CPA (Score 1) 450

Considering that this is one of those things that are virtually perfect for computer automation

You would think that but I've personally seen Turbotax screw up my taxes in years where I had a somewhat but not really complicated (by American standards) tax return. I can't speak for the rest of the World but in the United States your taxes are not a simple matter of mathematics. There's a logic flow involved, "Is X true? Proceed to Y." and at the end of the day if you can read the instructions you can do a better job of following the logic flow than Turbotax's programmers. It's my opinion that Turbotax is useless for anything more than 1040-EZ and if your taxes are so simplistic that you can file 1040-EZ why the hell would you pay someone else to do them for you?!

The year that Turbotax screwed up my return to the tune of $2,800 was the year that I stopped using it and started doing my taxes the "hard" way. It's not all that difficult, the hardest part is collecting the relevant information for your return and if you're enough of a geek to be reading Slashdot I assume you're enough of a geek to use some sort of financial management software. Moneydance is my personal favorite but even a well kept spreadsheet would work in a pinch. Once you have the data is simply a matter of knowing which form to file and going through it line by line. My Federal taxes take no more than two hours, my New York State taxes about three. The former can be electronically filed through Free Fillable Forms, the latter has to be done by mail, unfortunately, but most States are ahead of NYS here and provide an e-filing option for people who roll their own taxes.

Even if you outsource your taxes you're still on the hook for any errors or omissions, so what's the benefit to paying someone else to do them for you? Do them yourself, you'll save some money, learn a little bit about our tax system (and the absurdities therein) and be ultimately responsible for your own actions rather than trusting some other idiot's software to do the job for you. Of course, Americans aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer when it comes to taxes; how many people do you know that live paycheck-to-paycheck all year but get four digit refunds? A $2,000 refund is $38.46 per week that you could have had in your pocket if had bothered to fill out your W-4 properly.

Comment Re:Android is not Chrome. (Score 1) 629

Spare me; I have friends scattered all about the world. There's a reason why social networking supplanted e-mail as the medium of choice for keeping tabs on friends and family. Facebook's crappy user interface (my chief complaint) is not a reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Nor is the attention whore that posts 50+ things a day.

Comment Re:What's next? (Score 2) 496

She's been on the Select Committee for quite some time. No news there. She was actually the voice of moderation on a few issues regarding Pakistan back during the 2012 primary debates. No one was more surprised than I; I guess it's sobering when you get the sort of briefings that she's getting as a member of that committee.

Comment Re:Makes sense. (Score 1) 629

Every carrier has SIM cards now that Verizon and Sprint have moved to LTE. There is nothing stopping device manufacturers from selling devices directly to consumers who can then activate them without any interaction whatsoever with their carriers. Even Verizon has caved to reality on this one with devices like the Nexus 6. They don't advertise this fact of course but they don't stop you from doing it either.

Comment Re:Conflating Issues (Score 5, Interesting) 480

We don't need more low-information voters (89% agree that DHMO should be banned)

Well yeah. If you breathe it you'll DIE! Only a Teabagger would be against Government regulation of a chemical that's so dangerous as to cause DEATH when inhaled. Why do you hate the children? How much did Big DHMO pay you for this astroturfing?

Comment Re:Android is not Chrome. (Score 1) 629

I despise Facebook but it's something of a necessary evil when you have friends scattered all over the world. That's why I was rooting for G+ to displace it, or at least become big enough that I could plausibly use it as my sole social networking account, but neither of those things happened. :(

Google was quite annoying for awhile there in trying to convince you to sign up and/or linking G+ into everything but they've backed away from that of late.

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