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Comment Beware of history repeating!!! (Score 0) 266

Unnecessary worldwide poisoning with lead through car gasoline (known to be neurotoxic for hundreths of years) still happens today in some parts of the world.
Read to see how we really don't deserve the name gaven to our species...

Nowadays, jet fuel, maybe even on purpose for solar management geo engineering (even unilateral as per CFR recomendations), is leaking all kinds of bizarre particulates all over the world.

There is a heated discussion on whether what we now see almost on a daily basis are contrails or chemtrails. Who cares! Just don't poison us!
What matters is that this is relatively new worldwide phenomenon ( less than a decade), and tests have proven that air quality is degrading everywhere.
Why not being more proactive, and make sure that whatever they add to the jet formulas is safe?
Look up, next time you see a nice sun shiny day turn to a misty, smoggy, gray day from air traffic, remember it took almost a century to ban lean in car gasoline. Do you feel safe?

Comment You need to wake up and do something about it! (Score 4, Interesting) 239

Most people on this forum are IT related, and I do not need to explain how software patents in particular hinder the ability to innovate in the field.
Only the US has terror histories regarding patent trolls and patent dicksizing contests between software companies, which in no way help you be better, faster, and, I would even say more profitable (Lawyers being the only ones profiting out of this)
There is no room for software start ups because of this. Everything that could be patented already is (and a lot that shouldn't is too).
Here, in software patent free world, it's so much better. Whatever you can think of you can do it, and even if you cannot find a solution, you can google for it, code it, and that's it. No lawyers or burocracies needed.
This is a clear situation of the big fish creating rules to eat the small fish. Is that the world you want to live in?

(the same could be applied to the rest of patents, and even things outside patents like equality and justice, but I will stay out of it to keep on topic)

Comment MSM MANIPULATION (Score 1) 659

Soundtrack to this comment:
"this is manipulation
will put your soul in danger "
Blasted Mechanism: []

Main stream media was singled out with the coverage of the event.
Previous attack with CW atributed by UN to the rebels are ignored.
Several intelligence agencys have "undeniable evidence" that Assad was dumb enough to have a chemical attack just when the UN CW inspection team was arriving. Yet, none provides it. No coments about that either.
The reason for intervention (CW usage by Assad) is contested by at least a dozen direct accounts, yet no reports on main stream media.
You are being manipulated.
Remember the saying:
"fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice..." how many times do you need to be fooled before waking up?

Comment MSM Manipulation (Score 1) 659

Soundtrack to this comment:
"this is manipulation
will put your soul in danger "
Blasted Mechanism:

Main stream media was singled out with the coverage of the event.
Previous attack with CW atributed by UN to the rebels are ignored.
Several intelligence agencys have "undeniable evidence" that Assad was dumb enough to have a chemical attack just when the UN CW inspection team was arriving. Yet, none provides it. No coments about that either.
The reason for intervention (CW usage by Assad) is contested by at least a dozen direct accounts, yet no reports on main stream media.
You are being manipulated.
Remember the saying:
"fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice..." how many times do you need to be fooled before waking up?

Comment frack you - biodiesel is wrong (Score 3, Interesting) 591

bio diesel industry is wrong, the benefits you get are obscured by:
- food scarcity
- goverment bonuses to big farmer and big evil (insert monsanto/whatever here)
- patent trolls
- CO positive, because mass farming is OIL intensive industry
- lowest return on the barrel ever
- ecological destruction of habitats
etc etc etc... just go read about it!

Comment Shameful!! (Score 1) 591

That happening on the XXI century, having such a clear violation of human rights (I could quote you on those, but if I recall correctly is the most translated text ever, so RTF UDHR ), is, to say the least, shameful!
Not having official complaints from every other nation proves the state of uncarefulness for your neighbours our societies reached.

Beware! It will happen to you next! (And you have been warned for several years now BTW)

insert mandatory quote here:
" ... Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me."

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