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Comment Re:Who cares? (Score 1) 277

The stock price was set based on those same third-party analysts analysis, so once the real numbers come out, the stock price adjusts. This is economy 101, and it'd be good to look it up before randomly commenting (I know, I know. This is Slashdot and I shouldn't expect that).

Comment Re:No linux client (Score 1) 323

There is an open API. This API has been around forever, since it's the same as Google Docs. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if a client already exists (I'm too lazy to google for it right now).

Comment Re:fixed (Score 1) 394

Wow. Given how much I hate Python's syntax, I never thought I'd see myself typing this: Python's forced indentation is not as bad as Fortran's actually.

Fortran (and COBOL) has traditionally designated different behaviour to different columns. A character in a specific column has a different meaning than if the same character is in a different column. A variable-width font in that situation is completely unmanageable.

Nowdays, both Fortran and COBOL has changed this stupid design and you are now allowed to indent any way you want. If only Python could grow up too...

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