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Comment The truth of the matter (Score 1) 189

Nothing you read should ever be assumed to be true. It does not matter whether it is written on Wikipedia, on a dead tree, or some other website. Critical thinking and fact checking are paramount. Does it smell like BS? It probably is.[1]

[1] This statement was retrieved verbatim from a 6,000 year old marble tablet in the hills of Shangri La. So it must be true.

Comment Re:Bear Attacks (Score 1) 189

According to my ex-coworker, he received a one-year edit ban once discovered, which was increased to a lifetime edit ban when he appealed.

Now that's the kind of justice we need in the real court system!

"Bitch! I already told you you were guilty!"


White House Approves Sonic Cannons For Atlantic Energy Exploration 272

An anonymous reader writes: The White House on Friday gave final approval to allow the use of sonic cannons in finding energy deposits underneath the ocean floor on the U.S. Atlantic seaboard. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management says that finding energy resources off the Atlantic seaboard "could generate thousands of jobs, but has also acknowledged that the process will harm sea creatures." Sonic cannons "fire sound waves 100 times louder than a jet engine." Mammals such as whales and dolphins that communicate through sound will most likely be affected, but scientists aren't sure to what extent. They also aren't sure how the cannons will affect fish and other sea creatures or how any physiological effects on them may impact the fishing industries of the U.S. and the other countries who rely on seafood that migrate into and out of the Atlantic Ocean.

Comment Luddites (Score 1) 468

I find it amusing that articles such as these that push the envelope of technology appear on Slashdot and then the luddites come out of the woodwork. Particularly amusing is the fact that we all entrust our lives to technology and computers on a regular basis, including in the airplanes that we have been flying in for years. The sad part is that the vast majority of you will meet your end in a dreadfully boring fashion or possibly in an automobile collision with a drunken slack-jawed yokel, but hardly any one of you will go down in a glorious, flaming plane crash.

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