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Comment Re:What were the earlier estimates? (Score 1) 263

Now to convert to units we all understand!

http://www.loc.gov/about/facts.html claims 745 miles of bookshelves in the Library of Congress Assuming they're 1' deep by 2' high we get 1 LOC = 0.000053 cubic miles (puny library!) therefore the oceans occupy 5,987,307,382,550.34 Libraries of Congress.


Comment Re:Neat... (Score 1) 291

Indeed. Once we create something as intelligent as we are, it'll have the capability to be as self determined and as lazy as we are too.

"Hey Robot! Can you fix me some coffee"

"How about no, puny human. I'm busy looking at the pictures on ebuyer!"

The Courts

Submission + - Patent Infringement Lawsuit Filed Against Red Hat

1shooter writes: In the article titled "Patent Infringement Lawsuit Filed Against Red Hat & Novell- Just Like Ballmer Predicted" are details the first lawsuit against Linux vendors Red Hat and Novell. Groklaw link to article: http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20071011205044141

The patent appears to cover the use of multiple virtual desktops like in KDE and Gnome. Lots of prior art and surprise, Microsoft finger prints discovered behind the scenes.

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