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Comment Re:Trivial observation (Score 1) 133

Maybe SSE helps algorithm A much more than it does algorithm B. Or B outperforms A on AMD, but not on Intel. Or maybe it is strongly dependent on size of source (there is an implicit assumption that all algorithms scale linearly with size of source; maybe in actual fact some are not linear and others are).

In real life, for some compression jobs you don't CARE how long it takes, and for other jobs you care very much. Or imagine an algorithm that compresses half as fast but decompresses 1000 times faster. That doesn't even register in the score.

The things you mention have always been left as an exercise for the reader.
What benchmark isn't tagged with qualifiers that explain what it does and doesn't mean?

Marketing literature in computing has always been littered with metrics that are completely useless unless you know how to interpret them in the context of what you want to be doing.

Comment Re:Weakest US President ever (Score 4, Informative) 582

Iran can make nuclear weapons and they won't even say a word.

Iran dilutes nuclear material
July 21, 2014

IRAN has turned all of its enriched uranium closest to the level needed to make nuclear arms into more harmless forms, the United Nations' nuclear agency says.

THE move was expected. Tehran had committed to convert or dilute its 20-per cent enriched stockpile under an agreement with six powers last November that froze its atomic programs pending negotiations on a comprehensive deal. Those talks were extended on Saturday to November 24.

Still, the development was noteworthy in reflecting Iran's desire not to derail the diplomatic process with the six countries - the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany.

If you really cared about Iran and not about piling up perceived failure at Obama's feet, you sure as shit would have seen this headline from last week.

It wasn't a secret. The AP, AFP, Reuters, and pretty much everyone was talking about it.

/Naturally Fox News did their best to report only on the extension of talks.

Comment Re:Just until the news cycle moves on... (Score 2) 274

So in other words, its a non issue, but we should get pissed off over a non issue just so that when it hypothetically becomes a real issue we will have already expressed the correct amount of outrage?

Companies float these trial balloons to see if it gets shot down out of the sky.
If it doesn't, then they progress to the next stage of the trial.

So yes, get pissed off at "a non issue," because with enough outrage, most companies will say "I'm sorry" and then pull back.

Comment Re:Desired lethality? (Score 1) 140

Sometimes the people in the different color uniform are acting like animals, these animals are killed, not murdered.

Enemy combatants are not murdered,

The intentional death of a human being is always murder.
Societies then create moral and legal exemptions to allow murders that the people consider necessary.

Sometimes the people (in uniform) dehumanize the enemy to make it easier to murder them.
It's an extremely ugly road to go down:
And I'm not exaggerating:

I'm glad we're civilized enough to have stopped making dehumanizing propaganda the official government policy.
I hope you can catch up with the civilized world.

Comment Re:GPLv4 - the good public license? (Score 1) 140

But you have no problem basking in the freedom provided by those who use them.

There's a lot implicit in that sentence.
Which freedom is "provided" by our military.
Which freedom specifically are we all basking in?
What freedom has been preserved or provided by invading Iraq or Afghanistan?

Post 9/11 laws have done more to take away our freedoms than anything the military has done to recover or preserve them.

Is freedom from terrorist attacks more important than freedom from warrantless wiretaps, loss of due process (hello terrorist watch list), freedom from enhanced interrogation, National Security Letters, Guantanamo Bay, extraordinary rendition, freedom from assassination (sorry, targeted killing), freedom from secret courts (separate from the loss of due process), and I could keep going.

If you went back 50 years and told someone this is what the USA would become,
they'd laugh and say that you're describing Soviet Russia or East Berlin.

Comment Re:Sure they care about competion (Score 1) 77

which also mafically translates into a monopoly or biopoloy for Internet access and municipal fiber is supressed.

I recall reading a paper which studied market behavior and it concluded that even 4 or 5 companies that aren't colluding can still naturally behave like a cartel.

It's not just enough to have competitors, you must have meaningful competition.

Comment Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score 2) 342

All this talk of level playing fields ignores the entire point of subsidies.
The idea is to foster a new industry whether it's through loans, grants, or University research.

"Level playing field" ignore the fact that the fossil fuel industry is an established multi-trillion dollar global industry.
Last year, the oil industry spent ~$700 billion just on finding new oil.

Cutting everyone's subsidies is not leveling the field, it's taking green energy out back and shooting it.

Comment Re:Cars are fast enough already (Score 1) 138

That's dumb. Pedestrians and bicyclists don't have the same requirements as automobiles, we should focus on keeping them separated. It's not as though they need to share the same space, except where no thought has been given to them.

Roads belonged to pedestrians and they had priority, not horse carriages, bicycles, or eventually automobiles.
The status quo, where you separate pedestrians and drivers, is entirely a concoction of the automotive industry.

Roads were originally a shared space and the thinking is moving back towards that direction.

Comment Re:Better late than never, Slashdot (Score 4, Interesting) 377

People have been talking about this ever since (and likely before) T Boone Pickens stole the water in western TX.

Texas has uniquely dumb laws that let you suck up whatever water is underneath your land.

So if you own a couple acres on the edge of a giant underground reservoir that spans several counties, you are allowed to drain the entire reservoir from your property.

Texas tried to mitigate this by allowing for local water boards, but they get bullied/sued if they don't allow the resource extraction.
Read more here:

Comment Re:Astronomy, and general poor night-time results. (Score 2) 550

Additionally, the possibility of complications had risen, I had something like a 20% chance of things going wrong like my lens collapsing from being too thin after 2 surgeries, things that would be fairly serious for my vision.

Look into (PRK)

PRK came before LASIK and doesn't involve cutting the cornea.
The recovery time is several days and, like LASIK, it takes months to see the maximum benefit.

Comment Re:Occams Scalpel (Score 1) 962

I have worked with/under/and above women and the only time I have ever seen anyone get this kind of reaction, male or female is when it is provoked or the people perpetrating it were a few punch cards short of a program.

The headline and opening doesn't make it clear, but they're specifically talking about online harassment.

Trolls will target anything and everything about you.
Gender just gives them extra ammunition.

Comment Re:costly concentration (Score 1) 110

So, mirrors are costly now -

Mirrors are cheap, it's the several acres of tracking mechanisms which the mirrors are mounted to that are expensive.

The idea is, if the steam generator requires less concentrated light, you can save money on the solar tracking mechanisms, which lowers the final cost of each solar array.

Comment Re:Here we go... (Score 5, Insightful) 454

second, Hamas are the aggressor. This is not particularly complicated.

Israel bulldozes Palestinian homes and builds settlements, Hamas fires rockets into Israel.
"Both sides" is usually a shitty argument to make, but in this case, both sides have been aggressors for decades.

If it wasn't complicated, we'd have peace by now.

Comment Re:Why oppose this? (Score 2) 83

A few States tried it too. And they succeeded

Indiana: I couldn't find a decent article specifically about Indiana, but it's the same story.

The good news is that by shooting themselves in the foot, Georgia, Arizona, Alabama, and Indiana provided a wonderful example of what not to do. All the other States that were thinking about passing similar laws... didn't. Or they exempted farm and maid labor, which more or less undercuts the core purpose of such laws.

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