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Comment Re:Why yes, we should blame the victim here (Score 1) 311

I was speaking in general. Note that there is no reference to her in my comment. I was simply pointing out that "blaming the victim" is not always illogical.

It's interesting that you attack me, rather than the point I was making. You make assumption after assumption, all based on an erroneous conclusion. Sad, really.

Comment Re:Misused? Murder is intrinsic in communism. (Score 1) 530

I didn't presume he worked harder. I stated is a fact. There are people who work harder, even if you can say in every case "but did they?" The question presumes that there is a burden of proof to be met before they get more than an equal share. The world is full of people who work harder than the vast majority. Calling them criminals is just a footstep down the slippery slope to murdering them. You cannot change human nature just because it's "not fair."

You presume many things to be true in order to support your argument. They are not necessarily true, but they are necessarily speculative. The burden of proof is on you, and you haven't come close to meeting it.

Comment Re:Why yes, we should blame the victim here (Score 1) 311

Many victims actually do share part of the responsibility for what happens to them. In some cases, they bear most of the responsibility. It's illegal to stomp the crap out of someone who didn't physically attack you, but don't tell me that someone walking into a Hell's Angels bar and spitting on the bartender bears no responsibility for being beaten half to death. Nobody is trying to absolve the perpetrator of responsibility, but she bears at least some of it for taking nude pictures of herself and posting them online, protected or not.

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