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Submission + - seized, shut down ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: Defcad has been shut down. The Defcad/Defensedistributed crowd has been indicted on multiple counts which can be viewed at

Comment Re:Facebook is Public (Score 1) 95

Okay, but the claim that every user of their website qualifies as a public figure is ludicrous and insane. It's a great example of just how out of touch Facebook's leadership are with common respect for privacy. Today, merely not "liking" things may be enough, but it is clear that Zuckerberg and his thugs have no sense whatsoever of where to draw the line.

Comment Re:Don't they do this every couple of years? (Score 3, Insightful) 403

Okay, cool, so they don't want to use it? Good deal! I guess we can stop porting their shitty 1980's UI and window management models to it now, then, can't we? Can we just rip this fucking single-window crap right back out and put the GIMP back the way GIMP users use it, and not the way a handful of Photoshop dilettantes keep saying the GIMP *should* be so they can switch?


FSF Uses Android FUD To Push GPLv3 282

jfruhlinger writes "We've already seen claims from Edward Naughton and Florian Mueller that most Android distributors are in violation of the GPL — claims that the open source community has, for the most part, rejected. Therefore it's disheartening to see that the FSF is using this line of reasoning to push the GPL v3 over the supposedly more troublesome GPL v2. The FSF's press release on the subject emphasizes 'worries' without bringing up a specific concrete case of infringement — a classic FUD technique."

Comment Re:I hate flash. (Score 1) 274

This may come as a surprise to you, but people who unthinkingly and uncaringly consume whatever shitware is shoveled at them don't have opinions that matter when it comes to the future of technology. If you can't fix the shitstorm, we've been served up, then please, get the fuck out of the way so the rest of us can get it sorted. Got it?

Comment Re:Make it better, not worse! (Score 1) 537

17 suicides out of a million employees is a shockingly low suicide rate. There are, of course, plenty of reasons to treat your employees right, other than merely discouraging them from killing themselves. Based on the available information, it seems that there is a lot Foxconn could do to improve morale and quality of living. I think it would be extremely foolish, however, to expect their suicide rate to ever fall below 0.0017 %.


Can You Really Be Traced From an IP Address? 246

Barence writes "Identifying individuals using nothing more than their IP address has become a key part of anti-piracy and criminal investigations. But a PC Pro investigation casts serious doubt on the validity of IP-based evidence. 'In general, the accuracy of IP address tracing varies depending on the type of user behind the IP address,' Tom Colvin, chief technology officer with security vendor Conseal told PC Pro. 'Whilst big businesses can be traceable right back to their datacenters, standard family broadband connections are often hard to locate, even to county-level accuracy.'"

Comment Re:Fedora Repository (Score 2) 361

It would be awesome if there were a FUSE front-end to Fedora Commons.

Well, actually, one does exist, and it actually is awesome, but it's currently trapped in managerial IP strategery hell somewhere in the bowels of the most dysfunctional IT department in academia, so I guess I should say it would be awesome if there were another, distributable one.

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