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Comment Re:Pfft. (Score 1) 308

Falling in a dream and realizing that it was a dream and deciding to stop. Once that happened I was able to turn things into what I wanted.

Yeah, I've had a couple of nightmares where I've realized it's just a dream while still inside the dream.

Unfortunately instead of being able to manipulate the dream I always wake up at that point.

Comment Re:Yes (Score 1) 227

And then there's the clean-up work, the corrections. Hell, I used to have to write everyhing twice. The first time to get it down and the second time to correct the errors and fuckups.

Only twice?

Hell, if I'm writing anything of real importance I generally have to write most of the text closer to a dozen times!
Inserting new sentences, paragraphs, chapters, changing word or paragraph order, making clarifications and corrections - it's simply impossible for me to just write a long text from start to end. My mind just doesn't work like that.

It was a huge relief when I no longer had to write essays etc. with a pencil and could use a text editor.

Comment Re:Games are entertainment (Score 2, Interesting) 244

In real life, I get called a slut, a whore, and a bitch and people assume I am all those things.

Not necessarily.

Most men call someone a whore because it seems to be the one insult that always works. 'Slut' is very similar. 'Fat' is almost as effective - but not quite.

Most men are not verbally talented enough or have good enough intuition to use more accurate insults.

Now why are 'whore' and 'slut' so effective insults? Well, that's a whole different question...

Comment Re:Florescent Lamps are Shite (Score 2, Interesting) 710

Ever try reading by a compact florescent bulb?

All the time.

The experience will pull your eyes out of their sockets and leave you blind by the time your thirty.


I miss my incandescent bulbs, my bright living room, and the ability to read a book for hours on end without getting a headache ...

Never got a headache from fluorescents either.

Yes, there's a visible difference with incandescents and compact fluorescents. Does it really matter in some way? Nope.

Comment Re:Why all the dissin'? (Score 1) 269

First three books were damn good?

Strange, I thought they were ok but not that great.

I started to get bored around book two but originally kept reading since I didn't really have anything to better to read back then. And boy am I glad I did.

If you ask me, the books really became great somewhere after Rhuidean and following Mat's storyline actually made me giggle out loud several times.(Not very manly, yea I know)

Yes, there's a lot of reading in Jordan's books but I don't mind that much since I'm a quick reader and even the side stories are interesting enough to keep my interest.

Can't wait to to see how well Sanderson does with the ending.

Comment Re:myth series (not myst) (Score 1) 1120


Myth 3 was a bit disappointing in comparison but 1 and 2 are still among my all time favourites.

They're also a perfect example of real-time strategy done right. Great controls, formations and tactics matter, interesting units, suitably challenging missions, great story...

Still being maintained and ported? Hmm, I'll have to look it up then...

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