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Comment Re:Uh huh (Score 4, Insightful) 207

2 items. A driver's license is state property. How does it affect the ability of LEO to interact with your phone. There are laws in certain states that say if you have your phone on your person and are being searched that the phone contents are fair game to be 'rifled' through. If on the other-hand your phone is packed in a bag or in the glove box the phone is not on your person and can not be searched without a warrant. The act of NFCing your phone means it is on your person and you leave yourself open. No thanks, I like to compartmentalize my information as much as possible.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 104

The Geology of each area is different so it's not really helping the Chinese with anything their scholars don't already know. The drilling tech hasn't changes too much in the past 10 years. The main difference is we frack and drill as we go instead run a huge frack job all at once (This means less waste and burn off). The main harm I think that can be done is watching land and jumping in on "standing titles". This is where a broker or company puts together 40 acres of land titles in a somewhat consolidated manner before the drilling can begin. By tieing up strategic strips of land they can jack up the price and make money as well as make the costs higher for us and dampen the attractiveness of our export prices.

Comment Re:The Discovery channel? (Score 1) 103

Yes there are some corny aspects to the show but you should watch a different episode. I recommend the Amazon episode where people are just breaking down and throwing in the towel (if they had one). There are some interesting things to learn by observation. Some of the things I've learned are:

How much I take the following for granted.






shelter from elements and more importantly bugs/animals/wildlife.

how hard it is to hunt with sticks, spears, traps (if you have the knowledge)

how knowledge of plants can ease the prospect of infection/pain.

how quickly your health can go down hill without clean water.

what it looks like when you don't get a proper caloric intake. They do a time lapse at the end of the show.

how fighting with your partner can make a bad scenario get worse. plus a lot more stuff I can't recall at the moment.

Submission + - Warner asserts privlege for Summy-Birchard/ASCAP Happy Birthday Song Letters ( 1

xclr8r writes: It has been roughly over a year since the Good Morning To You Productions Corp. et al. v. Warner/Chappell Music Inc. et al., lawsuit was filed (case number 2:13-cv-04460). A development in the case has come about concerning the status of some letters between Summy-Birchard, alleged rights holder for the song in the late 70's, and ASCAP. The letters in question supposedly "detail the history and status of the copyrights." and Warner is claiming these are protected under attorney-client privilege. The judge is taking arguments into consideration from both sides regarding the status of these letters originating from the no longer existing law firm but it is reported that he is "leaning towards granting Warner's request that it be ruled protected.". Note: The register pop up for law360 can be closed by clicking the x.

Comment Re:New Headlines (Score 1) 128

The shortage on experienced facilitators is nothing new. back in the day 80's/90's I kept having to explain what 'en passant' was and pull it up in the chess manuals to inform the adults that yes this was a legal move. At least my own chess club facilitator was keen on learning something new and distributed the knowledge to the rest of the club.

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