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Comment Re:Are You Kidding? (Score 1) 541

Well let's ignore the fact that Mongolia, Russia, and Ethiopia are places, not races. The underlying issue is:

Race is a social term used to generalize the ancestry of a person. It's to vague to make a prediction about the genes, and their expression, in a particular person.

There is a lot of genetic diversity even in, what can be considered, a genetically homogeneous population. Genes that have been unexpressed for generations can suddenly appear again if the right couple have offspring. Even the genetic expression within offspring from a single couple can vary wildly. I think most of know cases similar to the family with 3 brown hair and eyed kids, and 1 with blonde hair and blue eyes.

You throw genetic diversification increases from a few 100 years of globalization into the mix and the whole notion of scientifically defining a race, let alone predicting actual gene expressions in a individual, becomes ridiculous.

Predictions of gene expression can only be done on a case by case basis within a specific heredity context. This is the reason the doctor's form asks for your parent's, grandparent's, and siblings medical history, not what race you are.

Comment Re:Java or C# + AngularJS (Score 1) 536


The days of server-side framework being closely coupled to the client side presentation layer are over. Write the frontend in plain HTML / Javascript. Use a Javascript framework to make life easier. Do the server-side as a RESTful service.

Java or C# would be good server-side languages, because of the ease of finding developers.

I personally prefer C# and ASP.NET MVC Web API. A completely open source solution when you use Mono.

Comment Re:And with that yoiu get POWER! (Score 2) 420

As soon as the pressure equalizes between the two sides of the membrane the flow of water will stop. Your pump will have to do all the work to pull the water through the membrane at the point. It's now also going to have to fight gravity to pump the water from the depths of the ocean.

Comment Re:I wonder (Score 1) 119

1) I hate the idea of having all of these computers working harder and harder, using more and more energy, and every day there being more miners setting up more computers, all of it in an unproductive pursuit of nothing but wealth. The energy wasted for no real societal gain makes it more socially useless than a marketing department for a law firm.

A non-centralized, freely available to anyone with an Internet connection, digital currency is a huge gain for society. Miners insure the integrity of this system. It's not wasted energy if you value the idea behind it.

2) The price varies so wildly, but it's all based off of nothing. At least with stocks, you have company metrics and financials you can at least try to use to figure out where it's going. At least with national currencies, you can look at what the country is doing politically and financially to try and guess where the currency is going. With bithcoin, it's like it's decided by a magic eight ball...there is nothing you can base decisions on other than a random guess.

Bitcoin prices are driven by supply and demand. That's about as simple as economics gets. Just like gold or any other finite commodity, as long as it has value in the minds of people the price will go up in the long term because of the limited supply.

Comment Re:"Different from ours" ?? (Score 2) 55

They have compound eyes like any other insect. They just happen to have Pseudopupils. Compound eyes have pigments that reflect light from wide angles and let straight on light pass through to the photo-receptor.

Mantis have a high contrast between the two states giving the appearance of a pupil, probably to creep us out a lot more.

Comment Re:Just more bullshit (Score 1) 410

How does Amazon or any other hosting provider have any negotiating power with the ISPs? Your ISP can shut off access to Amazon if they want to, what are you going to do? Switch? If you are lucky you have maybe two other choices who will do exactly the same if Amazon doesn't pay whatever extortion fee they come up with.

Cloud computing has exacerbated the whole thing by centralizing most of the content in a few companies. ISPs now have a short list (Amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc) of companies to extort.

Comment ASP? (Score 5, Insightful) 189

Do they mean Classic ASP? They list .NET separately so I don't think they mean ASP.NET, but they also don't include ASP in their list of "legacy" languages. I also seriously doubt 16% of companies are still using Classic ASP.

ASP isn't even a language, it's a framework. You can write a Classic ASP app in vbscript or javascript. You can write ASP.NET in any .NET supported language. Then there is ASP.NET MVC.

If they can't get their list of tested "languages" straight, I doubt the rest of the article.

Comment Re:could be blueray (Score 1) 146

Commercial optical disks from movie studios are stamped.. Stamping disks requires costly equipment and setup time and only makes sense when you are going to make many copies of the same disk.

Writable optical disks often use organic dye which breaks down over time, especially when exposed to bright light. This is often why their shelf life is very bad.

There is no way Amazon is using either technology for this.

Comment Re:no one would HIRE them, either (Score 1) 581

just tell me this: who would hire an aging programmer, just starting out, when you can more easily abuse immigrants and h1b's who are young and will work overtime for free and deny the value of a personal life?

All things being equal, I'd hire the older developer who spent the last 10+ years in a coal mine working a very demanding, high risk job, where a fuck up gets you killed.

Younger developer come with a strong sense of self-entitlement, lack of loyalty, and little life experience. H1B's can have the same issues plus a language barrier.

Comment Re:Shazbot! (Score 1) 352

Sounds like the case celebs use against paparazzi.

I don't so mind being photographed (or my property automatically scanned) in public but what I do mind is people making a profit on it.

I want the data brokers and/or repo companies to cut me a check every-time a database with my information is used to make money.

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