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Comment Re:No, the worst part was joining in the attack (Score 2) 562

Yes, a crime is a crime, but if we are going to build analogies with real world crimes they should at least be correct.

Obviously many DDOS attacks are not carried out by volunteers. They are instead vast hijacked zombie farms under the control a few people. In those cases the term "attack" makes more sense. From my understanding this DDOS attack was carried out by volunteers though. It should really be considered a protest.

What if this guy was part of a real world flash mob that formed in front of a Koch's HQ? Suppose the mob was so large it made it difficult for legitimate employees and/or clients to enter the building? He still might have been arrested but I'm sure the punishment would have been less severe.

Comment Re:First post! (Score 2) 177

Hope you realized you just sent your Slashdot password through some dude's hacked together relay server in, most likely, clear text... Also there are a bunch of other Slashdotters on the same virtual subnet with full root access to theirs, yours, and everyone else's virtual machine on that very subnet.

Very cool post, but you may want to change your password now.

and ...

Just don't do any online banking that way. ;-)

Comment Re:Why is iPad so much better than iPhone? (Score 3, Interesting) 471

The OP said the iPad seem so much better then anything out there.

My point is both tablets are in the same class. Not arguing the new iPad edges out the competition. It should, it's the newest high end tablet, but it's not revolutionary or anything. It will quickly lose the spec crown when the next round of high end Android tablets come out.

Comment Re:It CAN be done (but not always is a good idea). (Score 1) 438

4. Once Clooney is hanging off Bullocks, they have stopped relative to the station, which means they have achieved orbital speed, but the movie needs a heroic sacrifice, so...

Another gaffe you got right. I noticed this immediately when watching. Clooney should've bounced back towards the station after the slack in the tether and the parachute lines had been taken up. There was no force acting on him to pull him away, so he shouldn't have been lost.

The parachute line never really went tight. I noticed the line was slipping both from Bullocks foot and the IIS the whole time. The line slowed their momentum from the station but I got the impression they were still both drifting away until Clooney's sacrifice.

Why Clooney untethering himself from Bullocks reversed her momentum is confusing though. It would have made more sense if they pushed off each other sending her back towards the station and him into space.

Comment Re:Distributed Mail (Score 2) 470

Running a mail server from home is near impossible on most ISPs. The majority of ISPs block incoming traffic, and in some cases even outgoing traffic, on port 25 (SMTP). Even if you can get around this using alternate ports, chances are your ISPs IP range is blanket blacklisted by most anti-spam lists.

Your best bet for privacy and control of your e-mail would be to setup a collocated or rented server. You'll have to configure some sort of encryption for your e-mail messages in case the data center gets raided and the servers/hard drives confiscated.

In the end, your SMTP traffic can still be sniffed acrossed the network anyway, since most SMTP traffic is unencrypted.

Comment Re:Hooray! (Score 1) 120

I disagree.

I felt the Hobbit was the first movie I've watched to properly use the 3D medium and not be "show-offy". A lot of the 3D effects added depth into the screen, not out. This gave the gorgeous outdoor vitas a lot more impact in my opinion.

There were some exceptions, though, Gandalf's moth flying into my eye as an example.

Comment Re:"Nearby star" (Score 1) 203

Right now it doesn't matter if it were 1.5 light seconds away. We can't get there. It may as well be in another universe.

1.5 light seconds is roughly the distance to the moon. If we had another Earth like planet that close (assuming a somehow stable orbit and ignoring geological and evolutionary impact) you could be vacationing there right now.

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