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Comment Re:The same NY Times (Score 1) 414

This opinion is inane, trollish, and should be modded into oblivion. The very idea that a major publication could do any reporting at all if they meant actual harm to the US military is ludicrous. Their embedded reporter numbers would go down in comparison to their competitors, their assistance in foreign countries would be less on the ball, etc. Life's rough for actual investigative reporting right now, anyways, so they're not picking any fights.

Want to see an agency with every reason to kick the US military when it's down? Check out the BBC. They're...... Not very nice. And actually more informative than a lot of our outlets.

Comment Re:Yahoo (Score 1) 437

Bah. Got buried down below.

But I think getting a huge piece of IBM would be a better idea. The patent porfolio alone would allow them to do neat things to everyone else in the software industry, and they would be in a good place to start Linux litigation worldwide.

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