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Comment Re:Good news (Score 1) 422

Lucas did an okay job with the prequels. Arguably, he did too good of a job: the players are all too human, and Jar-Jar is too fluid and well-executed for the movie. It clashes with expectations: people want textbook epic heroes and villains played the way modern, bland actors portray them, not complex human characters thrust into an epic fantasy.

Is this a demonstration of Poe's law?

Comment Re:Let's hope (Score 1) 253

Since when does the IRS decide what the Federal Tax laws are?

Since Obama became president. See the affordable care act subsidies.

Oh my god you people need to take a civics class!

Hint: It's called the Affordable Care Act.

Figuring out how a bill becomes a law is left as an excersize for the reader. I hear there is a catchy song on Youtube that explains it.

Comment Re:address in question (Score 1) 693

Prepare yourself and prepare your home for imminent Swat arrival. Give away the dog (if you have one). Evict your roommate (if you have one). Keep all the doors to the outside wide open (so that they don't break them). Keep some fresh coffee in the pot and some fresh cookies on the table (so that the Swat team doesn't get low blood sugar and cranky by the time it reaches your bedroom). And sleep with handcuffs already on (so that they don't think you're trying to resist arrest).

Also, store your infants in the garage.

Comment Re:Domestic war (Score 1) 148

Here is a hint: its not the side whose govt. ignorantly but willingly set up the 791 "no-go" zones where Islamic law is the secular law for the sake of keeping the peace, which it did not get by the way.

You mean the 791 complete fabrications by Fox News?

No-Go zones do not exist and Fox News has publicly apologized for making them up.

One of many references

Comment Re:Holy Carp! (Score 1) 136

So in other words, the river itself might have a few tenths or hundredths of a percent of a concentration below the therapeutic MIC (potentially of multiple different antibiotics, depending on what factories happen to be located on that river).

People believe the Ganges has healing properties. It would be pretty ironic if that became true due to antibiotic pollution.

Comment Re:call me skeptical (Score 1) 360

contradict the fast that we have not had any rising in the past 20 years according to these same people? They call it the "warming hiatus"

I think you have to say 19 years for that cherry-picked date-range statement to be true.

Of course, even that isn't accurate anymore given the article. Maybe you should stop repeating it.

Comment Re:Honest question. (Score 0) 479

What do you see? ENDLESS articles about how terrible the industry is, how sexist nerds are, how you'll be threatened with rape if you so much as write an Android Pac Man clone...

And then they come onto a supposedly technical site like this one, read a thread about 'diversity', and have all of those preconceptions validated.

Comment Re:Tight Oil Recovery Operations will slow (Score 1) 441

The many thousands of wells that are/were planned for completion will simply be postponed until the market responds more favorably, but don't kid yourself, they will become feasible again at some point.

That's probably a good thing though. The rate of expansion during the last few years was crazy and obviously not sustainable. I'm not opposed to fracking until we see some more evidence of harm. But, that reckless of an expansion probably isn't a good idea either.

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