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Submission + - Anonymous outs Amanda Todd tormenter (

An anonymous reader writes: Anonymous has outed the alleged extorter of Amanda Todd. Todd has gained notoriety after posting a YouTube video chronicalling her bullying torments at the hands of teens and subsequently committing suicide.

Comment Distribution != Linux (Score 1) 676

More then likely he was confusing a specific distribution with Linux itself. It seems plausable that he meant "[Distro X] is near end of life, so now would be a good time to create our own Distro to replace it, managed by us." I mean, if Linux itself was out of date, then why build your own OS from it? Also, the article mentions Red Hat several times. It seems thats the distro they are using now, which again reinforces my thought that they are talking about a distribution being out of date, not all of Linux.

Comment Choose? (Score 1) 439

currently consumers overwhelmingly choose to rent a box from their cable provider
Back when I had cable a couple years ago, there was no choice. If I wanted the deal, I *had* to rent the box. It sat under my sofa for a year, collecting dust and costing me money until I just had enough of it and canceled the service.

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