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Comment Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score 1) 693

Look up the gamergate article on Wikipedia. The original gaming media issue is practically nonexistent, the whole article is about the terrible mysogynists who attacked the innocent feminist activists.

Wikipedia tends to support its articles with media publications and if media integrity is the subject, media tend to be biased. To get the truth you need to reach for the actual sources, and that constitutes "Original Research" which is not an accepted Wikipedia source.

Comment Re: Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score 1) 693

You're missing the point. The view of SJWs is that whoever is in a position of privilege in society, doesn't deserve any protection from abuse from the 'oppressed' side. Say, "Blacks can't be racist", or "Men can't be raped".

It's not about claiming there's no inequity. It's about their approach to resolving the problem. Someone some posts earlier put it well: if there's some stairs leading to a building, SJWs don't build a ramp for the handicapped, they remove the stairs so that handicapped don't feel bad about healthy people being able to enter.

Comment Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score 1) 693

Kudos to you.

Feminism used to be about women proving to be strong and deserving an equal place.

Currently it seems to be about women whining that they are victims and demanding privileges and preferential treatment to make up for being unable to keep up with men.

I have a lot of respect for women who are strong, smart and brave enough to keep up or surpass men in 'male-dominated' fields, and I'd be first to protest if they were treated badly for being women.

I also have respect for women who are aware of their weaknesses and pick much-needed jobs they still can perform well, even if not as 'prestigious'. The situation does have its mirror side, menial male-dominated jobs, no inequality here either.

But I'm seriously pissed off when a woman who is definitely underperforming in the 'male-dominated' domain blames patriarchy for her failures. The opposite is extremely rare...

Comment Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score 1) 693

Maybe that was back then. Currently the demand of SJWs would walk into the restaurant and start spitting in people's food.

Seriously, that 'new wave feminist' movement is rabidly opposed to granting men any rights that would level the field where women have unfair advantage, for example blocking any laws that would allow men to persecute women for abuse, or raiding peaceful protests of men who request equal rights to retaining children after divorce.

The word "justice" is used tongue-in-cheek. "Minority Supremacists" is far more accurate.

And specifically, note 'warriors'. Most of their actions are counter-constructive. You won't see many positive initiatives from them, like helping these in need - instead, they focus on injuring these who, in their perception have upper hand in some allegedly 'unjust' situation.

Comment Re:Three Cheers for Zoe Quinn (Score 1) 693

Oh, you don't understand the kind of grace she displays.

If you prove she's been factually wrong, she will find your house, break in, taze you, kick you in the balls, take your wallet, then call the cops and get you locked up for attempted rape. Then she'll give an interview how you abused her horribly. And she'll look fabulous all the while. It's this kind of grace under pressure.

Comment Re:Three Cheers for Zoe Quinn (Score 1) 693

She got friggin' 20 times the budget she planned. So don't make up any excuses for failure to deliver. People paid for what she promised to deliver, not for any allegedly superior product she'd fail to deliver.

If I request 50 cheapest McDonalds' hamburgers, and give you $1000 for it, don't make excuses about delivering two gourmet steak burgers instead, claiming that steaks are more expensive and more difficult to cook, and take more time. And especially I don't want to hear $1000 is not enough for 50 steak burgers. It's not what I paid for and what I paid is far more than enough to deliver what I paid for.

Comment Re:It Remains a Journalism Scandal. Deal With It. (Score 1) 693

Because he wasn't the one to hijack the whole GamerGate movement and try to present it as 'anti-feminist with thin excuse of being anti-corrupt-journalist'.

The movement is random people, attacking 'targets of opportunity', Zoe was just one of the random targets - then she went nuts and - since she couldn't attack a movement with a just case - made up a fake case and presented it as the actual one of the movement.

Imagine you take part in a protest against building a mall over a park in your town. One of the protesters breaks the sign over the head of one of investors of the new mall. Said investor happens to be afroamerican, and a local Black minority activist. Next day you see the investor say to the press "Ku Klux Klan members and neo-nazis protest against Afroamericans' right to start businesses!"

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