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Comment Re:nothing new at all needed (Score 1) 717

We own a lovely 4 cylinder Renaut Grand Scenic - diesel, manual, has seven seats.
Extremely comfortable to both drive and be a passenger in.

Average consumption on highway - about 6 l/100 km == 47 MPG, though we've gotten
it down to 5l/100 km (56 MPG) (below specs) with careful driving at the sweet spot.
(Around town it's a bit more like 6.5 l/100km.) This is a 2006 model, so newer ones
will be even better in fuel economy.

There is no problem with either acceleration or towing and it's a good and safe family car.

I highly recommend this for your family. There are other models in existence too,
if you car to look around. They're just not made by GM or Ford ...

Comment Next EU elections ... (Score 1) 403

... the 409 parliamentarians who voted YES to this bill should be voted out of office.
(Does anyone have a list?)
That would be the ideal, though sadly, the majority of people don't
seem to care how these decisions affect them.

I stopped flying to the states ages ago. Now I will revise how often I fly within the EU.
Not sure if my job will be happy, but we can also do VC.

Comment so, they use the toll money to upgrade the roads! (Score 1) 585

Hah! I lived in the states for a number of years,
and travelled reasonably often by car across the eastern and mid west states, and often enough
on the toll roads. The state of those roads was

Oh, sorry - my mistake - those were PRIVATE toll
roads .... You really think your politicians are going to earmark Tolls for upgrading the infrastructure?

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