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Comment Re:Research on Growing Teeth (Score 1) 340

If there are only two dentists, and we assume neither travel out of town to get there teeth seen to, and that neither are able to work on their own teeth.

I would have to go for the one with bad teeth, as he's obviously done some good work on the other guy.

The reverse also stands true, unless the guy with bad teeth has a phobia of dentists, as he would surely have had bad treatment from the bad dentist with the good teeth.

Or did I miss something ?

Comment Jon and Al Gore (Score 1) 295

Jon, are you related to Al Gore, the father of the Web? Maybe a clone in disguise?

Just wondering.

Your assertion that the web was created exclusively by men is at the very least as outrageous as Al's infamous comment.

Women have adopted the Web enthusiastically. Of course we make choices differently than men. Viva la difference!

Jon, and those who really believe women don't have an effect on the IT community, keep those shades on so you don't see us coming! If you're not old enough to know the famous song about boots being made for 'walkin, look it up, kiddo's!


aged 44
Network Engineer since 1985 and still having fun

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