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Comment Re:FUD (Score 1) 304

For me, google docs provides a different service to Office - cross platform collaborative editing. That alone gives it an edge.

If anything, I hope they don't try to compete feature for feature with Office - as it stands, there's such a short learning curve involved to use it which is a great equaliser when it comes to working with people with differing skill sets.

Comment Re:Apple, really? (Score 1) 188

Was thinking exactly the same thing - replaced a hard drive in an MBP last year, 32 screws... all Philips, except the last 4 were torx. Didn't have the right size, so had to go into town the following day to complete the job. At least it was a relatively standard size though, unlike the screws they're using on their newer models... Someone is selling the screw drivers here though.

Comment Re:Thanks, Miguel (Score 1) 274

Yes, but he also shows how the vulnerabilities stem from libraries which the desktop uses, and how, potentially, there are vulnerabilities all the way down, right to the kernel itself. No simple fix - short of turning off all automatic execution of processes against any unknown source (which is what I have done for quite some time - I do have thumbnail generation on local files, but after watching that, I think I'll give that the boot too :)).

Comment Re:Open Platform? (Score 1) 459

Kies is the most annoying thing ever - windows only (so no upgrade path for Linux and OSX users via that route - and no, vbox doesn't work even with USB enabled), buggy, bloated and provides everything except the things you need (incremental backup is really the only requirement as far as I'm concerned). Really like the Galaxy S, but the Kies thing is a blight on an otherwise excellent product.

Comment Re:Of course (Score 1) 267

In a closed room, a PS3 turned on for a while works almost as well as a space heater

Yeah, I was having a lot of problems with that - the fans kick in and roar like an engine (DVD play back seems to trigger it pretty quickly). Fixed it by balancing it on 4 empty beer cans. No joke - works like a charm - only side effect is that the beer cans get slightly warm...

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A large number of installed systems work by fiat. That is, they work by being declared to work. -- Anatol Holt
