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Comment Re:Google's motivation (Score 1) 219

then they can renegotiate the ToS with us.

Because that worked so well for them recently? Truth is this is a no-win situation for them. No matter what they do, a small number of anti-Google fanatics will cry bloody murder, and low-quality editors will help them spread their nonsense.

Now before you go crying about that "fanatics" I used, let's take a look at three points:
1) EPIC's "report" glosses over the fact that the supposed "overbroad" terms are global to the entire collection of Google services, and was not specifically designed for Google Drive. So attributing a bunch of general terms which apply to a comment you post on a public Google+ photo, to your private Google Drive files is naive at best, and intentionally misleading at worst.
2) That was "reported" by MacWorld. Not exactly a clutch of Google fans who are trustworthy in checking the facts.
3) Who are the other so-called "privacy advocates" in the MacWorld story? DropBox users.

On Dropbox’s online forum a user by name of Chen S. wrote...
Another user, Christopher H., said this in the Dropbox forum:...
Still another Dropbox user, Mark Mc.,

Next thing you know, we'll have Linux users coming here and ripping on Microsoft.

Until a decent reporter tells us something substantial, this should be seen as a non-story to all but the tin-foil folks.


USGS Suggests Connection Between Seismic Activity and Fracking 145

First time accepted submitter samazon writes "According to a recently proposed abstract by the United States Geological Survey, hydraulic fracturing, or more specifically the disposal of fracking wastewater, may be directly correlated to the increase in seismic activity in the midwest. Results of the paper will be presented on April 18th, but the language of the abstract seems to imply that there is a connection. After years of controversy regarding hydrofracking including ground water contamination and disclosure of chemical solutions, the results of the study, if conclusive, could influence the cost of natural gas due to increased regulations on wastewater disposal." The actual language of the abstract leaves a fair amount of wiggle room: "While the seismicity rate changes described here are almost certainly manmade, it remains to be determined how they are related to either changes in extraction methodologies or the rate of oil and gas production."

1981 Paper's Predictions for Global Temperatures Spot-On 371

Layzej writes "The Register reports on a paper published in Science in 1981 projecting global mean temperatures up to the year 2100. 'When the 1981 paper was written, temperatures in the northern hemispheres were declining, and global mean temperatures were below their 1940 levels. Despite those facts, the paper's authors confidently predicted a rise in temperature due to increasing CO2 emissions.' The prediction turns out to be remarkably accurate — even a bit optimistic. The article concludes that the 1981 paper is 'a nice example of a statement based on theory that could be falsified and up to now has withstood the test.'"

Comment Re:We don't need government regulation for everyth (Score 0) 181

Did you really think my over-the-top hyperbole was a serious discussion of practical solutions? It wasn't meant to be. Sorry if that confused you to the point where you felt the need to devise your own straw man.

Best of luck wishing for a better world where things just sort themselves out. That's definitely practical, and so very likely.

Comment Re:Taxpayer money (Score 0) 181

And your answer to this supposed problem you raise, Mr. Cynic, would be... what?

Raise court fees from people who raise an issue with the election system?
Fine, or throw people in jail if the judge happens to rule against them?
Solve disputes the old fashioned way, in the Colosseum?

Way bigger a problem than the money spent on this minor lawsuit, is that we have taxpayers who are useless asshats who can only complain when taxes aren't spent on them personally, but couldn't be bothered to spend a minute to come up with a better idea.

Comment Re:Belly button contemplation (Score 1) 64

We're going to have at least an entire generation that will be unelectable to national office because of pervasive data mining. Everyone will have something that can be turned into a media circus scandal, somewhere in their Internet history.

Actually, that could be a good thing here in the United States.

Americans are stupid to not only expect, but actually believe that their politicians are a bunch of perfect little angels. They're fucking politicians for crying out loud. But we forget that and miss the contradiction come election time.

In a world where you know politicians are flawed from the start, people might actually care about important issues like policy, campaign bankrollers, and puppetmasters like turdblossom.

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