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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 1 declined, 3 accepted (4 total, 75.00% accepted)

The Almighty Buck

Submission + - Hans Reiser puts Namesys up for sale

Theodore Ts'o writes: "Looks like Hans Reiser may be putting his company for sale. The article suggests this is because Hans needs to raise funds for his legal defense, but I suspect it may also be because Hans, as CEO of a small company, was also the primary salesperson and dealmaker for the company, and without someone to get grants from the Federal Government and try to get sales from new customers, there won't be any new revenue coming into the Namesys company. Although the circumstantial evidence (at least as the case has been tried in the media) is pretty suggestive, he may very well be innocent; that's for the courts to decide. But if he is indeed innocent, it's really going to suck that he's been held without bail for months now, and he may end up losing his company. Even though I've been critical of his creative use of benchmarks in the past, I do have to feel sorry for him."

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